Chapter 4

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It was quite dark when the 6 friends arrived at the party. The street lights had been on glowing for about half an hour.  Their faces dropped when they reached the address.

“This isn’t a house” said Thomas, “This is a mansion”.

They all stood in awe staring at this house which was bigger than the big Tesco down the road from the university.

“I was wondering how they were going to fit so many people into one house” said Lee, still surprised at the size of the house.

They approached the door.  All full of excitement, they had never been to such a large gathering before. Maddi knocked on the door. Phil answered.

“Oh hey Maddi” he said as he pulled her in to an embrace. “Welcome guys” Phil continued greeting them and showing the others the door.

They walked down a long corridor which leads them to the main hall of the house.  There were already hundreds of people there.  They could smell the alcohol and could just see the smoke filling the room.  The music was pumping and the guests were pretty much all dancing. The 6 friends pushed through the crowds of people.  None of them were really into big gathering.  University was already daunting enough, but it was a party which they were all invited to so they felt inclined to go. Eventually they made it to the bar where they each grabbed a drink.

Juda began to look around for Pj, but could not see him.  She appeared slightly disappointed.

“Would you like to go dance?” Thomas asked Juda extending his arm out to her.

“How very gentlemanly of you” Juda replied, graciously taking his hand, and they wandered of.

Julz turned to talk to Maddi only to see that she had gone off with Phil. Not that she blamed her at all, he was cute!

It wasn’t long before a really cute guy started to chat Lee up.

“Nice outfit” the guy winked.

He was very tall, had brown hair, a lovely tan and dimples. His name was Dan. It was great to see.  It wasn’t often that Lee found somebody to capture his attention. They went outside to “talk”.

There was only Georgia and Julz left. Sadly Georgia’s boyfriend Billie couldn’t come to the party because of work commitments. The girls began to discuss university and get to know one another a little better. Finding out they had a lot of the same interest including their love for green day.

Georgia was suddenly tapped on the shoulder making her jump. Spinning around she saw two familiar faces.

“Pj” she squealed, jumping up and giving him a massive hug.

“Well hey you, glad you could make it” he replied smiling back at her.

“Peej, this is Julz, the one Juda and I were talking about” Georgia smiled.

“It’s great to finally meet you after hearing so much about you” replied Julz,

“The pleasure is all mine” Pj greeted giving her a hug.

“And this is my cousin Chris,” Georgia pointed to a guy who was reasonably tall, with dark hair, gorgeous eyes and the most beautiful smile.

Their eyes met each other. Julz gazing into Chris’ eyes, not saying anything; she didn’t need to though the expression on her face said it all. Chris giggled.

“Will you excuse us?” Georgia grabbed Julz and dragged her away, Julz not taking her eyes of Chris.

Georgia shook Julz, getting her attention. 

“Earth to Julz, are you there?

“Oh huh yeah sorry” Julz replied snapping out of her gaze.

“Excuse me for saying but your cousin is gorgeous!”

Georgia laughed.

“None taken, we share the same genes” Georgia said jokingly.

They both laughed.

“But seriously you need to calm down, just talk to him” Georgia smiled.

“Oh god you are so right,” Julz face palmed, embarrassed.

They walked back over to where Pj and Chris were, they had now grabbed themselves some drinks.

“So yeah, hello I'm Julz, I'm so sorry about that I ummm”

Chris laughed.

”Hey I'm Chris, I’ve never had a response like that before” he continued to smile.

“Shall we dance than?” he asked, still smiling.

“Why not, I love to attempt to dance” Julz giggled. She always giggled a lot when she met somebody new; she was really awkward when it came to meeting new people.

Chris too Julz by her hand and they walked off.

“So Georgia did Juda make it?” Pj finally managed to ask

“Yeah she is over dancing with Thomas”.

“Great!” he smiled and began to walk off.

“Don’t hurt her Peej” he heard Georgia say.  

“Would never dream of it!!” he shouted back.

Georgia stood shaking her head smiling and went to get another drink. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2013 ⏰

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