Creatively in Love

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Chapter 1:

It was 7am.  The sun was out, beaming into Juda's bedroom window.  She awoke to the sound of chirping birds, and her alarm, which played one of her favourite songs “good morning sunshine”.  She liked listening to this song as it always put her in the best of moods.

Today wasn’t just Juda’s usual day.  Today was the day that she would start university. Being as smart as she was, Juda had been accepted into a Bachelor of Arts at Lysterfield University. She was extremely excited because her best friends Julz, Thomas, Madison and Lee would also be attending the university, doing different courses however. Juda would be studying a range of topics, focusing on creative and professional writing.  Juda was quite the writer; she thoroughly enjoyed both writing and reading stories and wished to become an author one day.

*time skip*

Juda was out the door she had her bags packed and was headed to university.  Luckily for her, the university was just a 15 minute walk from her house.

“Hey Miss Story teller” called out a familiar voice.  Juda turned around.

“Thomas!” Juda squealed with excitement.  “It is so good to see you! I didn’t know you had uni today too”.

“I sure do” Thomas said with a smile on his face.  Thomas was also studying a Bachelor of Arts, but he was doing visual arts as a major.  

“I hear that Julz, Lee and Maddi are also going to be here today, how fantastic is this we all get to spend our first day at uni petrified together” Thomas said. Juda just laughed and gave Thomas a big hug.

*at the university*

As Juda walked in to the main building she could see a girl with long black hair and a colourful bow on her head.  She would recognise that bow anywhere.  She ran across the room and pounced on the girl.

“Juda!” Julz Screamed with excitement, giving Juda the biggest hug possible. They hadn’t seen each other in a few weeks since Juda had been of at a youth camp, and Julz had been busy.  

Not long after along came Maddi and Lee.

“Hey guys what’s up” said Lee

They all spent the next 30 minutes talking and catching up before they were required to go to their individual study lectures.

Juda was walking down the hall trying to figure out her time table when she all of a sudden ran into someone.  She dropped all her books, and so did he.

“ahh, oh no I'm so sorry I, I , I” Juda had lost her words as she gazed into two beautiful green eyes.

The man giggled.

“Hi, I'm Pj, and you are?”

“Oh haha Hi Pj, I'm Juda” she smiled “I am so sorry, I'm so clumsy sometimes”

Pj bent down and helped pick up the books from the ground.

“That’s ok, it was as much my fault as yours” Pj smiled. “What degree are you doing?”

“I'm doing a bachelor of arts, creative writing” Juda replied kindly.

“Huh, fancy that, me too” he smiled.  “I guess I’ll be seeing you around then”.

“Umm yeah sure, you sure will be” Juda replied (ugh that sounded so stupid Juda what are you doing, you won’t be seeing him again if you talk and act silly.  You are in university now, grow up).

With that Juda and Pj both parted ways.

Juda walked away with a smile on her face and after about 5 minutes of daydreaming she looked at her watch.

“Oh crap oh no, oh no, oh no”. Juda was running late to her first ever lecture.  She had absolutely no idea where she was meant to be. It didn’t take her long before she found someone who could offer her some directions and she ran as fast as she could to the study hall.

 So hey guys, this is a fan fic im writing for my friend Juda, so is dedicated to her. i have some ideas for the story so let me know what you thing on here or on twitter :)

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