Chapter 2

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It was 10 minutes after class was meant to start.  Juda went flying into the room almost dropping the books that were in her hand once more.  The room was so big, and searching for empty seats almost seemed impossible. When suddenly she heard a familiar voice.

“Hey Juda come sit here!” the familiar voice called out.

Juda looked up.  It was Pj! A big smile came across her face, he remembered her name. She rushed to her seat trying not to trip over.

“Thank gosh the lecturer isn’t here, late on my first day, just my luck” Juda said out of breath.

Pj smiled and giggled slightly.

“I know him; Mr Cooper, I had a friend who used to take this class, his always about 20 minutes late”.

Just as Juda was setting out her books she realized a book was missing.

“Oh no!” Juda searched frantically through her bag.

“Hey what’s wrong Juda?” Pj asked kindly.

“I'm having a bad start to today” she sighed.  “I bump into you, I'm late to class and now I have lost my text book”

Pj started to laugh hysterically.

Juda Glared

“It’s not funny Peej”

Pj reached down in his bag and pulled out a second text book.

“That’s my text book!” Juda pronounced.  Very confused as to why Pj had it.

“You dropped it when we bumped into each other, I didn’t realize I had it until I had already walked of” he smiled “I figured it was an excuse to see you and talk to you again”

Juda blushed, turning a bright shade of red.

“Alright class attention let’s begin” called Mr Cooper from the front of the class.

*Time skip, end of class*

“So I will be seeing you around then I hope Juda” asked Pj

“You sure will!” Juda was so excited.  Despite the few mishaps of the day things were great.  She had already made a friend and so far her first lecture was great,

Juda headed to the library.  She wasn’t expected at another lecture for about an hour. Juda was greeted in the library by Maddi, who was waving at her.

“How was your first lecture Maddi?

“It was fantastic, and guess what?” it was obviously something pretty exciting as Maddi was talking very fast; she only really did this when she was excited about something.

“You met a guy and he asked you out” Juda said jokingly.

“Very funny” Maddi jokingly pushed Juda as if she was unimpressed.

“I did meet a guy, his name is Phil” she grinned.  Juda gave her a fake flirtatious wink, squealing a little.

“Haha shut up” Maddi mocked, “he invited me to a party, and said I could bring a few friends, so how about it, want to come?”

“umm well I'm not sure I”

“Oh come on Juda” interrupted Maddi “let your hair down once in a while, plus it will be a great way to meet some new people”.

“Well ok than I suppose, plus I can see if this Phil character is any good for you” Juda winked, Maddi frowned slightly, before a big smile came across her face.

“Great it’s next Saturday at his place, I’ll send you the details later” they both started squealing like high school girls again

“Ssshhhhh” a library staff hissed.

“Opps sorry!” they both replied.

Maddi closed her books, gave Juda a hug and headed of to class. 

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