Chapter 5

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Alan's PoV

I usually went to Austin's straight after work to hang out for a couple hours before going home around 7, but today I had texted Austin and told him I had a lot of paperwork so I couldn't go over today.

He seemed a tiny bit bummed out so I decided I'd surprise him and go over this evening.

Right now the clock showed that it was 7:30, so I washed up and headed over, arriving at 8.

I walked right in just like any other time, and was met by a snarling Echo. As soon as she saw me, her snarl disappeared and her tail began to wag frantically. I heard Austins shower running and shrugged, plopping down onto the couch and curling up with Echo.

About five minutes later, the door knob jiggled and someone walked in. A somewhat tall, beautiful blonde woman stood in the doorway trying to get her key in the lock to lock the door up.

Her beautiful blonde wavy curls fell just to her shoulder blades and she was wearing a white crop top exposing her tanned and toned stomach. She was wearing torn shorts that hugged her rear end nicely but weren't so short that you were in fear of seeing... things. Her earrings jingled and sparkled in the dim light and when she turned around, she jumped, throwing her hand over her mouth.

"Oh, uhm, are you one of Fiore's guys?" She asked in confusion.

"No, a friend of Austins" I replied and she cocked an eyebrow.

"Oh?" She asked.

"Mhmm, sorry to intrude. Didn't know he hung out with anyone else." I smiled.

"Oh, well he's forced to. Austin is my fiancé." She dead panned.

"Oh! Oh man!" I exclaimed "oh jeez I had no idea! I apologize, I wasn't trying to like worm my way in or anything." I promised her, motioning with my hands frantically since I wasn't sure how else to react.

Just then the door behind us creaked open and Austin emerged, a towel hanging loosely around his hips as he sang the chorus of 'Before I Forget' by Slipknot into his balled up fist.

The blonde woman cleared her throat and when he saw me his eyes widened before his expression turned sour.

"What exactly are you doing here?" He asked bitterly. I didn't quite understand since he had no reason to be using such a tone with me.

"Don't you dare start on him Austin. You're the one that didn't even tell him about us." Gielle told him.

"I mean, yeah he should have told me, but it's not really that big of a deal is it?" I asked in confusion

"Well, he could have all the guy friends around that he wants if he wanted. It just upsets me that he doesn't care to tell me about one in particular" Gielle told me.

"But why does it matter? No offense, I'm just genuinely curious."

"He likes guys, too," she stated. "did he not tell you that?" she asked.

"That was not your place to tell" Austin said quietly.

"He deserves to know" she fired back.

"There's a reason I didn't tell him!" his voice began to rise as he spoke.

"Oh yeah?" She replied daringly as I made my way to the door without being noticed.

"Yes!" He growled "I didn't want him thinking I was luring him in, or being some fucking weird faggot" and he was yelling now. "It was originally because of the dog" he tacked on heatedly as he rubbed his temples while trying to calm down.

"Shouldn't matter anymore then. Since you're acting like he's some sort of disease for intruding on your oh so personal life." Gielle said tauntingly.

"Fine, Gielle. You're right." Austin sighed after a short pause. "Now if only he would show himself out." and that did it for me. I whipped the door open with Austin's gaze burning into my back. I hurried down the sidewalk and I even resorted to cutting through yards just so I could get back to my own home as quickly as possible.

I hadn't been home long when my phone buzzed. Although I was reluctant to answer, I knew I needed to. It was probably Austin or Gielle, and I was hoping for an apology because I sure as hell deserved one. To be nothing but a friend to him, and for him to treat me in such a manner. It was infuriating but more than that, it was hurtful. To be conscious of the fact that he used me, and his me from his fiancée. It was painful in an emotional sense and I was really feeling it right about now.

When I picked up the phone, the text was from a number that wasn't familiar. Yet it read:

'Hey Alan. I got your number from Austin-'

Definitely Gielle.

'-I just wanted to apologize. We were all misunderstanding each other. Come over next Saturday to the cookout we are having and we can fix things.'

I replied and told her that I would definitely consider it, but I was unsure. Since I knew she would question as to why, I told her that Austin's attitude bothered me, which it did.

She told me that she understood, and she apologized once again for what went on. She told me she really did hope that I would join them and I could bring a friend and all. She told me that it would be cool to get to know each other better and meet new people and she would love to meet a couple of my friends.

She made herself seem so sweet, but the way she spoke so sharply to Austin had me wondering whether or not she was a totally different person.

Then again, it was none of my business. I wasn't going to worry about Austin's well being when he had total disregard for mine. Why did he, of all people, have to adopt Echo? I'm glad he treats her so well, and loves her so. But why not some kind family with kids? A different man, one that didn't have me stuck with second thoughts and doubts. One that seemed decent even when you just looked at him.

I cared about Austin to an extent, or I did before today. Now it was back to solely the dog. Only Echo mattered, because she was the one I'd take a bullet for here. I didn't have to ask Austin how his day was, or care about his fucking disease. I didn't have to care how he was feeling and I didn't need to be there for him. For him, I was just a bit of slight entertainment until his secret was found out. I hated that.

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