Chapter 3

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A/N: Sorry I keep switching PoV. I'll probably alternate to keep it steady if that's okay! :)

Alan's PoV

I stared as Austin left, Echo trailing behind, glancing backwards with sad confused eyes. I felt a tear slip down my cheek and silently cursed myself.

"You can't form these attachments Alan" I snapped at myself.

"Alan, did you handle it?" Jenna asked snarkily.

"Clearly" I snapped back.

"Don't get your panties in a wad" Taylor spoke up. "Not our fault you get all attached and stupid over the animals" she rolled her eyes.

"That's what makes me better than both of you" I growled I actually care about what I do."

"Yeah. Okay." Laughed Jenna. "You can leave now. It isn't your shift honey" she said sweetly.

"Whatever" I spat right back before roughly shoving the door open and hopping in my car, slamming it's door behind me. I banged my head on the top part of the steering wheel harder than I intended and it momentarily dazed me. I sighed and wiped my eyes before cranking my car and driving home.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Now, here I was about two weeks later nervously trying to compose a text to this guy 'Austin' so I could see Echo. I know I shouldn't. I should just let go. But I miss her so bad. I just want to know she's okay. I know she's just a dog or whatever but that isn't how I see it. She was a friend. Not just a companion. She is so much more. I just hope this guy hasn't treated her too terribly.

Maybe if I get pictures of her being mistreated or her bad living conditions, Aaron will change his mind and have her extracted from the 'home'.

I finally finished my text, and sent it. It had said 'Uhm. Hi. It's Alan. The guy from the humane society. Was wondering what your address was so I could see Echo.'

He replied almost instantly with his address, and it just so happened to be a few blocks away from mine in a few house like apartments. They were separated like small houses but were still technically considered apartments. They just weren't flats like what might come to mind.

I rounded the corner and his house wasnt too far. I instantly began picking it apart trying to find something wrong with it but I couldn't. I got a lot closer and saw Austin out front, but no Echo. Suddenly, she shot across the yard from the bushes with a brightly colored object in her mouth.

Austin reached down and grabbed it from her, holding it above her head and bouncing around as she barked and whined for it. He put his hands on his knees and leaned towards her, smiling and laughing as he wiggled the toy around, his entire body wiggling with it as he energetically interacted with her. She lunged for it and he hid it behind his back. I was in the driveway but he hadn't seen me yet as he dropped the toy and kneeled down in front of her, letting her lick his chin. He kissed her nose like I always did and rubbed her behind her ears as he cooed loudly at her.

I coughed awkwardly and he jumped up, revealing the toy. Echo glanced around and grabbed it, just holding it in her mouth but not leaving his side.

"Oh. Hi there" he said.

"Hi" I said quietly.

"Well uhm, didnt expect you so soon. You must live mighty close." He commented

"Yeah. Three or four blocks." I spoke as I stuck my hand out, offering a polite handshake.

"Does sweat bother you at all?" He asked suddenly, motioning to his glistening, tattooed body.

"Uhm no?" I said in confusion.

Austin smiled and randomly grabbed me and I was about to yelp or call out when I realized it was a hug. He patted me on the back and pulled away with a grin.

"I'm barely the hand shaking kind of guy" he told me.

"Yeah. Well" I muttered in disdain.

"Oh come on man. Lighten up!" He exclaimed.

I was overwhelmed by his tone because it just felt like he was talking down to me. I hated that. It felt so condescending. "Whatever" I snapped at him angrily.

"What's your name again? Alan?" He asked. I simply nodded as he continued. I was scowling and I just felt like turning and walking away but I wanted to see Echo. "I guess I did something wrong at the shelter although I'm not sure what I did, but I just wanted to apologize I guess. It's not that I really truly feel like I have anything to apologize for, it's just that I want you to keep seeing Echo, but I don't want your shitty attitude to be brought along." he told me. He didn't say it rudely, just kind of awkwardly.

"Uhm. Well, actually. . ." I started, suddenly feeling bad. He had been nothing but nice to me, and he honestly hadn't done anything wrong. The girls couldn't even tell me exactly what he had done wrong. Just that he was mean and supposedly 'snappy'. "you see, Tay and Jenna, the girls, made it out like you were being an asshole to them, and tha-"

"I was not!" He growled angrily, his face turning sour.

"They uhm, they said you looked and acted like the kind that wouldn't take care of any animal. Much less actually love it. So, I just assumed they were telling the truth and I was angry and scared, but just now when I was walking up here, I saw the whole thing, y'know. You playing with her and uhm, and kissing her nose and I realized that-" I was cut off by Austin.

"Wait. You saw that?" He asked with a frown.

"Yeah" I replied quietly and a bit hesitantly. Austins face flushed red as he looked down.

"But, it just made me realize how I must seem like a damned idiot. It's kind of pathetic, to be quite honest. I shouldn't have believed them right away like that without even giving you a chance. And that makes me garbage." I told him. He was staring at me, no real expression. "What I'm trying to say is that how I acted was childish and I'm sorry. I know I have a shitty attitude, and I'm sincerely sorry. I hope you can overlook it and maybe we can try this whole thing again. I'm willing to try and prove that those words come from my heart, too." I told him, offering a peaceful handshake.

"Alan" he said blandly.

"Yeah?" I said nervously. I knew I had done the right thing by apologizing but the fear of him rejecting that apology overcame me quickly.

"I said I'm not the hand shaking kind of guy" he grinned.

I dropped my hand and stared for a moment before I realized what he meant, so I smiled back and opened up my arms. He opened his too, and we met halfway, laughing at each other quietly before we wrapped our arms around each other in a not so manly hug. He wasn't that bad. He wasn't that bad at all.

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