Chapter 20

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*Holly's POV*

Thank goodness Niall was okay! And all the other boys too... 

Once we got the boys into a new tour bus we started heading to the next venue. I was exhausted, again. So I went and lyed down on my back. I didn't feel like sleeping yet so I pulled out my laptop. As soon as I turned it on I got a Skype call, from an unknown person. 

I answered it, "Hello?" 

It was a man in a mask with a hood pulled up over his head. He sat there doing nothing, just breathing before pointing to his watch before the screen went black again. I scratched my head before saving the number. Hey, it might be useful.

I made a mental note of what the man looked like before pulling out my sketchbook and trying to draw the best picture I could of him. I've taken drawing classes ever since I was little. I think I'm better at drawing than writing. I drew his face, adding detail and shading as the thin point of the pencil glided across the rough paper. Content on my picture I turned the page and started drawing another person. I wasn't really aware of who I was drawing until I looked down and saw the familiar quiff and his no longer crooked smile fill the page. Niall.

"Holly? You in here?" An Irish accent spoke. Speak of the devil... I scurry to close the sketchbook before he came in. I tried to hold a natural pose, but it just ended like I was a model posing for a photo shoot. I was propped up by my elbow, looking off to the bunk across from me as I smiled awkwardly. Good going Holls...

"Umm.. What are you doing?" Niall asked me, with a confused expression on his face.

"Just practicing my poses when I am at the red carpet with you guys." I said.

"Oh, cool. Well I was coming to get you. We are all going out to dinner." He said, his confused frown turned into an adorable grin. I nodded before getting up and putting my shoes on. I didn't feel like changing. I stood up as he gave a nod of approval.

~At le restaurant~

I was sitting next to Harry and Zayn as we were discussing the Twilight series.

"I'm telling you... Edward is way better than Jacob!" Harry insisted.

I argued back, "No, Team Jacob all the way! I mean, he turns into a wolf! That is awesome."

"Sparkly skin is better," Zayn protested before taking a sip of his drink.

"Ya, and I'm sure it would be so much fun having red eyes and eating humans," I said sarcastically.

The waitress took our orders just moments before, but first geting the autographs from each of the boys on a napkin. We got into the topic of Twilight when Harry repeatedly poked me which resulted in me bighting it. They accused me of being a vampire, which I probably am... 

"Are you guys seriously fighting about Team Edward and Team Jacob? It's obvious that Team Edward is better." Louis said, joining into the argument. I just can't win can I? 

Zayn shouted a 'HA!' in my face. I huffed and sunk into my seat, crossing my arms. The waiter came back and gave us our food and walked away, but winking at Louis. I saw Destiny glare at the waiter before frowning. 

I raised my eyebrow before tucking into my meal. Was she jealous...? I shrugged it off and listened into the boys conversation on quiffs. 

I looked over to see Destiny poking at her food. Is she ok? She has barely been eating lately. I'll talk to her later tonight about it. That and the jealousy? Both are probably nothing, but she's my best friend. I can't help but worry.

Ok guys! I'm sorry for the long wait! I'm also sorry that this was so bad. It was going to be a lot longer but my brother decided to be a jerk and turn of my computer and the chapter wasn't even saved, so I'm sooo sorry! This chapter I posted right now is terrible and short. 


I am starting to get Louis feels. Help me! I already have Niall feels. This isn't helping! ARGH

Oh and the reason I added Twilight in there was because I watched Twilight last night and I just felt like adding it. There will be some more drama soon! I'm so happy cuz i'm out of school and I'm having lunch tomorrow with my whole family to celebrate my 4 cousins, my brother and my graduation! Whoohoo! Anyway I'll talk to you all soon! Oh and I was listening to Stole My Heart and I realized that I haven't heard the old album in soo long! 

I know what I'll be doing the rest of my night! XD

Umm I feel like there is more to say, but I guess that's it.

If i could please have atleast 7 comments, 12 votes and 80 reads that would be great! Love you all! 




Love you all! Bye sunshines!

~Grace xx :)

Folllow these wattpad accounts for me!

Grace's personal account- @greins

This account- @LoveAll1Dboys4Life

Heidi's account- @SuperIlove1DForever

Grace's Third Account- @a1DLover4Ever

Heidi's 2nd Shared Account- @TheNewGirls

Now please follow these Twitter accounts!

Grace's- @GraceReins

Heidi's- @sweetvidalia123


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