Chapter 19

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Destiny's pov

        Paul says we have to get ready for the next venue, which is tomorrow.

Holly goes to her bunk, Paul goes to his bus, and the rest of the boys go who knows where.

I stay in the living area. Where, there is a couch and tv. :)

I put in Mean Girls and grab my fluffy blanket to cuddle with.

Halfway through the movie, I hear Holly scream.

I start to run to her bunk, but I'm practically run over by Niall. -.-

I peak into her bunk, not stalkerish AT ALL. *poker face*

Anyways...... Niall is comforting her, and she is crying. She must've had a bad dream. :(

She gets those every so often. Especially, when it was either a stressful or crazy day.

Usually, she calls me, and I talk to her, until she falls back asleep.

BUT, I guess Niall has things under control. ;)

 I go back to the couch, but Liam and Harry are taking up all the room. -__-

"Umm..... EXCUSE MEEE!!!!" I whisper-scream.

"Yes?" Liam asks innocently.

"Problem?" Harry says..... *cough* douche *cough*

I roll my eyes, putting my hands on my hips. 

"Actually, there is!" I say sassily.

"Well.... We're not moving!" Harry says.

I glare at them, and decide two can play at this game. Or should I say three? o.O

"Your choice," I say shrugging.

I lay on them, spreading my body out.

Suprisingly, I see Harry smirk.

He pulls me up, and puts me completely on his lap.

"Told you it would work!" he says to Liam, "Thanks for the help."

Liam smiles, and leaves the couch.

"Seriously?" I ask him.

He nods, and puts his chin in the crook of my neck.

Watching Mean Girls with me.

I don't know why..... But, I just feel awkward. .__.

I mean, I've never had a boyfriend.

So, I don't really know what to do......

I hear a cough.

I look to see Louis standing in the doorway thing, connecting the bunks and living room.

He comes up to us, pulls me up, and says, "She's mine!"

Wut. .__.

"We're pranking buddies!!!!!! She's my best friend!!! How could you!!!!" he yells. By now, I can tell that he is joking. 

It makes sense now.

Harry rolls his eyes, and announces he was going to bed.

Louis says, "Your welcome."

"What?" I ask.

He rolls his eyes, "I could tell that was uncomfortable for you."

"Oh...... Yeah. I guess it was," I say, "It's just, I've never had a boyfriend or anything like that...."

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