(Chapter 31)

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Ͼ Ella Castillo Ͽ

Looking back now, I was completely horrified by my irresponsible actions. How could I just fall asleep last night like that? Especially since I had a test today I seriously needed to revise for. Cramming last minute was irresponsible enough, but not even cramming at all? I had no idea what was happening to me.

I shoved my books into my bag, fumbling with the catch a little in my haste. Damn, I was late. Ash had probably already left or just wasn't going to go today at all. That was just the way Ash was. After the first couple of days, I'd learnt not to wait for him or expect him to wait for me. He disappointed me every time. Shunning breakfast, I ran out, cussing as my bag slipped momentarily from my grasp. Grabbing the key from the bowl, I stabbed at the lift button. It opened immediately.

When the lift doors opened again, I was shifting through my bag, trying to find that stupid exercise book so I could do a little extra revision in the limo. I wandered forwards blindly, not paying attention to my surroundings, so when I heard Ash's voice I jumped.

"What're you looking for?" he asked casually, as if he hadn't just scared the crap out of me.

"Nothing," I replied. "What are you still doing here? I thought you left."

Ash's cheeks were tinged light pink.

"Well, uh..." he mumbled, shuffling his feet. "I just thought...we could go together to school from now on."

I blinked. "What?"

"I mean..." Ash blushed even harder. "It would save, uh, gas."



Ash looked so embarrassed, he wouldn't even meet eyes with me. This cute side of Ash never failed to make my heart race. Laughing, I pulled him into a quick hug. When I let go, he was bright red.

"Why did you just -?" Ash spluttered. It was hard to believe this guy was a player. Rolling my eyes, I grabbed his hand and led him towards the door.

"Let's go," I said, hoisting the bag onto my shoulder. "Don't want to be late."


ῼ Ash Castillo ῼ

"Aren't you worried about the exams?" Ella said, looking at me incredulously over a pile of books she was flipping through. The papers were spilling out of her lap and onto the Italian leather car seat.

I laughed.

"Oh, right," she muttered. "Of course. It's you. Ash Castillo."

"What do you mean by that?" I asked, frowning.

"Nothing." She smirked at me and I swore the driver was grinning. I shot him a glare and he went back to parking. He pulled into the parking spot especially reserved for me and got out of the car.

"What are you saying?" I snapped. "Are you saying I'm not...stu...stud...studi..."


"Yeah. That word."

Ella giggled. I tried not to be distracted by how cute she looked when she laughed.


Ͼ Ella Castillo Ͽ

I still couldn't quite get used to walking with a boy. Admittedly, I wasn't the most experienced girl in the world but I should at least know how to walk with a guy, right? I pretended to look through my bag, just so I would have something to do with my hands. If I'd let my hands hang beside me, our fingers would brush often together as we walked. I would have to yank my fingers away as a spark of electricity passed between us. So my solution - always do something with your hands.

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