(Chapter 11)

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  • Dedicated to Alexandra Gregg

Ͼ Ella Castillo Ͽ

“I’m sorry,” he said, still holding me close. “I’m so sorry I did that to you, I didn’t think –”

“Was that your plan? To replace me?”

He pulled away, frowning. “No. Why would you think that?”

“Well, because she said…”

“She was being stupid, Ella. I don’t even know her.”


Ash called the car, and it came around the corner in about a minute. Why didn’t he bother to walk? Were these streets too dirty for his holy feet, or something?

Actually, he was looking a bit uncomfortable, standing on a sidewalk littered with cigarettes and McDonald’s paper bags. It suddenly struck me that Ash had bothered to run around this part of town – a setting he was obviously not used to – to find me. I tried not to feel too flattered.

I stared at the back of his head.

Why would you do that for me, Ash?

He opened the car door, gesturing for me to get in. I complied, sliding to the other side. There was a slight shift in the car, as Ash got in as well. I glanced at him, and caught him pulling off his tux jacket, and brushing off the non-existent dust. I felt myself bite my own lip, when Ash’s toned, bicep flexed under the thin material. Oh, God…

“What are you staring at?” Ash asked. My eyes immediately tore away from his arm. He was smirking – bloody typical.

“Uh, nothi –”

Luckily, I was saved by the driver, who suddenly accelerated, making me bang my head on the window, hard.

I would happily hit my own head a thousand times, than let Ash know I was looking at him.


ῼ Ash Castillo ῼ

I smirked at my window, staring at Ella’s reflection. Her pink cheeks were slowly fading away, and she was breathing normally now. She thought she’d gotten away, but I’d seen it. She’d been checking me out.

Who could really blame her?

My eyes suddenly focused on Ella’s jacket pocket. The corner of a small card was poking out of it. I frowned. What is that…? I’m pretty sure she didn’t have that before.

Her eyes looked up, and met mine in the mirror. She blinked, surprised, and shied away.

No, wait? I wasn’t looking at your chest! I swear I wasn’t –

“We’re here,” the driver said. He’s pulled over, and I could see our apartment complex. It shone, the streetlights reflecting off the surface of the glass.

“Thank you,” I said. I opened the door, and was about to open Ella’s as well – the way I was taught – but she got out quickly, like she was trying to avoid contact with me.

I’m not some kind of sick pervert, okay? I’m your husband!


Ͼ Ella Castillo Ͽ

I stumbled in my shoes, pulling them off. I leant against the bedroom door, jumping around as the zip jammed itself. I could feel about ten blisters on the soles of my feet as I ran through to the bathroom. I really needed to have a quick shower, and brush my teeth, and go the hell to sleep.

I tried to ignore the fact that I would be sleeping in the same apartment as…him. I looked at the bed dubiously again.

Shutting the door behind me, I glanced around the bathroom for the first time. Wow, is all I can say…though after what I’ve seen for the last couple of days, this doesn’t even really surprise any more.

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