gurls and bois

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So me and this guy in my class were sitting at a table and we were talking ((if you really want to know he was trying to figure out a way to keep a person with my IQ contained in a prison because apparently I could easily break out of a straitjacket??)

And he must've had his hand on mine

And so this girl comes over and she's like "are you two dating?"

We're like "no...?"

So she leaves a different girl comes over and she asks the same question. We say "NO."

So then a boy comes over, he's like, "hey you two dating?"


Then he says, "Hey, (friend's name), you ever dated a girl before?"


"Well, that's how you hold their hand." Then he pointed at our hands which for the first time I realized he had his hand on my hand

Then the boy ran off and my friend just yelled at him "I DONT HECKING CAREEEEEE!"

Meanwhile, I'm just sitting there, slowly dying because everyone thinks I'm dating someone but apparently now they think I'm dating him??

okay who's starting these rumors

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