Chapter Five

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Hey everyone, I'm back!! Wow, it's been so long since I last updated, I had to re-read the previous chapters myself to get back in touch with the story. Hehe silly me =P The story's progressing, sure, but at a pace slower than I expected. So I would really appreciate it if you would stick with me till the very end by showing your support and giving me your feedback. That's the only way I can improve my writing and make the story an extraordinary journey.

This chapter is dedicated to these amazing people for giving my book a place in their reading lists. Thanksss a ton! Please take the time to follow them ^-^

nduluechioma - the only girl in the band

Dynden348 - Dynden348's Reading List

duchess_efua - duchess_efua's Reading List

LurielPrincessBeroin - LurielPrincessBeroin's Reading List

ShinLeng - MY FAVS ❤️❤️

Beautiful_Special21 - EXTRADIONARY STORIES!!

Okay, you may proceed forward>>

Chapter Five

"What are you doing here, Chris?" I asked through gritted teeth, my voice laced with annoyance.

"I come here in peace." He raised his hands in surrender, and sighing, I let him in. He proceeded towards my couch, but I stopped him in his futile efforts. He crossed his arms over his chest and huffed. "Is this the way to treat someone who has taken the effort of sending flowers to you every day? After all, I did tell you to expect me today."

My jaw dropped to the floor in shock. I couldn't believe what I had just heard. This has got to be some kind of sick joke! "This is not a joke, cupcake. It's for real." He stated, as if he had read my thoughts.

"But you... how can it be you?"

He inched closer to me. "You were expecting someone else? I am possibly, no positively, the best secret admirer you could ever get. I thought I made it pretty clear, cupcake. XX, get it? Like criss-cross. Criss....Chris....get it?" He laid emphasis on his name.

I cracked up laughing against my own will. "That has got to be the most ridiculous thing I've heard all day! You could've brought a bunch of detectives here and even they wouldn't have been able to figure that out!" I said between fits of laughter.

He started laughing along with me, which I had not at all expected. Not that smug laugh of his, but an actual wholehearted laugh. I stopped short and took in his sudden change of attitude with a suspicious unexpected flutter inside me.

"So, what's your answer? Will you go out with me?" With just that sentence, he managed to bring me back to reality. "No" I replied sternly without even a second of hesitation.

"What? Why? Even after all of this?" He said gesturing towards the many baskets of flowers that were still lying on the side table.

"No." Did he get hit on the head with a coconut by any chance? By one day, he's a snobbish imbecile, and by the other, he's this sweet prince charming. Is he bipolar or something?

"Okay, okay, I'll give you some time to decide, cupcake. I'll call you later tonight." He winked at me. Wha- what was that? How dare he have the audacity to wink at me?!

"Stop calling me cupcake! I have a name, in case you've forgotten." I said ushering him to the main door and practically pushing him out. Come on, 'Cupcake'? Could he get any more cliché?

"Okay, cupcake." He smiled,  daring me to retaliate. With that, I shut the door right on his face. "Cupcake, my ass" I muttered while taking the stairs up to my bedroom, the mere exhaustion of having to interact with him finally seeping in.

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