Chapter Four

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Sorry that I couldn't update last week! My computer kept conking off and I couldn't access wattpad for a few days. But as promised, I updated on a Saturday. :)

Just to clear things up, the paragraph regarding Rhea and Aiden's story is a book that Willow is writing. Just so you don't go like "What? Wha- where did these people come from? Did I switch onto another story by mistake? What is going on?!"......or something like that :P

Also, this chapter is dedicated to one of my first friends on wattpad and also one of my favourite authors - Emma9986

Chapter Four

Chris spun around and started walking away, burying his hands in his pockets like he didn't have a care in the world. "Wait!" I shouted, trying to catch up with him. Being the jerk he was, he didn't even make an effort to slow down. "Hey, wait!"

For a moment, I lost sight of him in the crowd ahead. "Chris!" I shouted, cupping my hands over my mouth to amplify the sound. I pushed through the crowd in order to get answers to the few hundred questions haunting my mind.  Suddenly, out of the blue, a hand latched on to mine and pulled me into a deserted alley. My startled self struggled to scream against the hand clamped firmly over my mouth, which as a result, came out as muffled sounds.

Once I felt the heaviness of the hand drop from my mouth, I turned around to face Jaden, or should I say Chris. "Why did you pull me here?" I demanded.

"Listen Willow, keep your voice low, that girl will soon beckon her friends and before you know it, a crowd will form and frankly, I cannot handle all the attention right now, with all that has been happening..." He took his cap off and ran his fingers through his blonde hair.

"Oh, now I get it! The paparazzi doesn't know you're back from your little secret trip to god-knows-where doing god-knows-what, so if they find you, you'll be instantly bombarded with accusatory questions. I'm right, aren't I?" His expression gave me all the confirmation I needed. "Tell me, why should I care about what you want? I'm leaving, and on my way I might just let them know that you're hiding here. That should serve you right!"

I started to walk away, but his hand grabbed my wrist and jerked me back. I opened my mouth to reprimand him, when I heard some people shouting. A couple of photographers ran past the alleyway, their cameras dangling from their necks. Right then, Chris pushed me up against the wall, shadows engulfing the both of us. His heavy breaths brushed over my face. I looked up at the face towering over mine and prepared myself to push him off in one swift motion.

However, before I could do that, he stepped back. Looking at my flushed face, he said, "Oooh someone's uncomfortable. Don't worry; I wasn't going to kiss you."

"What?" I screamed, not caring about who might hear it. "Are you kidding me? I would never want that from you, not even in my wildest dreams."

"Yeah right." He said smugly.

"Oh my gosh, you are so full of yourself! You think that just because you're a big shot actor, girls fall at your feet. Well you're wrong; you conceited little brat!"

"Takes one to know one." He glared at me. I promptly returned the look. All of a sudden, something occurred to me. "Wait, if you're Chris, then who is Jaden?"

"The hell I know! You just assumed I was your date."

"Then why didn't you say anything? Why did you pretend you were my date?"

"I just wanted a cover okay? Some bad guys were chasing me and....wait, I don't need to explain anything to you!"

"You were being chased around by bad guys? Who were they? What did they want? Oh wow, this is exactly the information I need to write my article!" I grinned.

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