Chapter Two

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Thank you so much for all the support you have all been giving me. Your feedbacks made me so happy, I just HAD to post an early update! Don't forget to vote & comment!! =)

I'd like to dedicate this chapter to MissMisteri for her amazing support, encouragement and praise. Thank you sooo much! <3

Chapter Two

Elena left our table without another word, and strutted back to her own. As soon as she was out of earshot, Tyler gave me a grateful smile. "Thank you, Willow! Thank you so so much! I really owe you."

Skye gaped at me. "Look at you girl, you finally found your tongue!"

I grinned, happy with my own accomplishment. The smile grew wider as our mouth-watering, deliciously gooey pizza was set down on our table. Time to dig in!

After that heavenly snack, we decided to walk for a bit, just to digest the food. Skye bailed as she had to drop off something at her parent's place. So Tyler and I were left to walk by ourselves.

After a few moments of silent walking, I decided to strike up a conversation to rid us of the insipid silence. "Why does everyone here stroll around in shorts and tank tops?" I asked inquisitively, eyeing a few girls walking past us chatting excitedly.

He simply shrugged. "I mean...back in India, everyone dressed up so conservatively." I looked over to Tyler, who currently sported a disinterested facial inpression. Time to shake things up a bit.

"Tyler, do you have someone special in your heart?" Now that got his attention. On receiving a curious look, I continued, "I mean, are you dating someone? Or are you saving yourself for someone else?" I said, wiggling my eyebrows in amusement.

"No!" He stated. "I mean, I'm just not looking for a relationship right now. But maybe, just maybe, if the right girl comes along, the girl who I fall head over heels in love with, I'm willing to make an exception to that statement."

I decided to pull his leg. "You are such a liar! Look at you, who would want to stay away from Tyler Wilde? You're surely with someone. Skye thinks so too!" I said, the corners of my mouth stretching upward into a full blown grin.

"Ah, that gal is off her trolley! Would you rather believe someone who you've just met or someone who you've known for....okay well saying two weeks doesn't really prove my point, so I'd rather say: or someone you know and trust?" His emerald green eyes bore into mine.

I pretended to give it some thought before saying, "Hmmm...tough decision." I smiled playfully before removing the scarf around his neck and wrapping it around my own before he could protest or snatch it back from me.

He gave an exaggerated laugh, "Very funny."

I smiled triumphantly and picked up my pace, leaving a very frustrated-looking Tyler behind.

"Oi Willow, wait up!" He tried his best to catch up with me, but couldn't do so. Guess all fit boys aren't that fast, I thought to myself as I grinned smugly, not slowing down even for a minute.

Feeling sorry for the lad, I slowed my pace until he caught up with me. "Guess you aren't that tough, big guy" I teased him before prodding him to go on with what he was saying earlier.

A smirk appeared on his face revealing his adorable dimples. He really did have good looks, what with his tanned skin, brown locks, soft expressions, warm emerald eyes and tall physique. You could say I was jealous of his good looks, but that would be admitting too much.

"I found a way to pay you back." I shot him a bewildered look. "What?"

"I said...I found a way to pay you back for what you did for what you did for me at the pizzeria! Just hear me out: Let me set you up on a date."

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