Chapter 1

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The brisk air whipped through my car window as I drove down the highway. I had been driving for seven hours, and I was beginning to come to the conclusion that I was lost. Everything around me was green. The trees, the grass, and the surrounding woods engulfed me.

Everything back home was city like. We had woods out in the country, but never anything quite so ominous. I felt almost like I was being watched. Maybe I was just being paranoid, I tended to act like that.

My brothers always told me that I thought way too much, and I should break the rules once in a while. My argument was that rules weren't meant to be broken. Lame, right?

I was the more logical sibling out of the four of us. My three older brothers were more impulsive, acting on mere whims. Their impulsiveness led to me having four nieces by the age of fifteen. Lily, my oldest niece, was born when I was ten and every year after another one was born.

Jackson, my oldest brother, had two daughters, Lily, eight, and Claire, six, while my second brother Jay had two daughters also. Jay's oldest, Elizabeth, was seven and his youngest, Alyssa, was five. 

Jacob, my youngest brother was engaged to his fiancé Scott. We recently found out that they plan to adopt which personally I'm super excited about.

I was jarred from my thoughts as I heard a loud buzzing sound in my car. Quickly I looked at my dash and saw my gas sign lit up. Dread filled me as I realized I had forgotten to fill up at the town I had just stopped at miles back.

I looked up only to see a small town in front of me. It seemed like it had just popped up out of the woods.

The town was filled with people bustling around. It looked like a festival was going on because of the number of people lining the streets. I drove slowly into town and cringed when I realized everyone had turned to stare.

To further ruin my life, my engine began to smoke causing me to freak out and shift into park, wrenching the keys from the ignition.

"Fuck me," I breathed heavily. How could my luck be any worse off?

I had just made it to the front of my car when I noticed everything had stopped and everybody was frozen currently staring straight at me. Every expression held shock and most held delight. Utterly creeped out I quickly made my way inside the building.

Just like outside, every motion stopped and over fifteen pairs of eyes stared at me with one expression. Delight. Slowly, I made my way to the counter where a grey haired woman stood with a smile on her wrinkly face.

"Excuse me?" I asked quietly, "do you have a phone I could borrow? Mine died a few hours ago, and I need to find a mechanic."  The lady continued to smile and nodded her head.

"Yes we do. Are you having car trouble?" , she questioned with an overly curious expression. I gave her a guilty smile.

"Ya I am but I don't know what's wrong with it. I don't speak car." She laughed at my confession and out of the corner of my eye I saw every other customer grin.

"That's okay sweetie I don't either. My husband fixes cars up in his spare time would you like me to call him for ya?", she grinned, eyes sparkling for some reason. I nodded eagerly.

"That would be great, thanks. I need to leave as soon as possible," I rushed out. Her grin faded and the spark in her eyes dwindled. I saw the customers tense and their eyes glaze over almost as if they were having a conversation in their head. My confusion must have shown through because she smiled reassuringly.

"Sure thing sweetie. But I must caution, this is a very small town and you're the first visitor we've had in a long while, so don't worry if they stare," she warned then a frown crossed her face, "do you need to call anybody?" I nodded.

"Could I please?"

"Of course! There's the phone right there," she pointed to the back of the room, "I'll just run and call my husband. Don't go anywhere ya here?"

With that she disappeared into the back room. I made my way over to the phone and dialed Jacob. He answered on the first ring.


"Jacob! It's me! Listen, I won't be home so early as I planned. I had to make an unexpected stop, but it shouldn't take long!"

"Whoa calm it down there sis. I'll make sure to tell mom. We both know she'll flip if she doesn't know," he laughed.

"Thanks Jake," I said sighing.

"Anytime hon anytime. Listen I have to go, but call me when you get a chance?"

"Definitely," I promised, "love you."

"Love you too Kate," he replied, hanging up. I sighed, looking up and that's when I noticed the entire place had gone silent. Hurriedly I glanced around as to what everyone' was watching with such apprehension and that's when I saw it or should I say him. In the doorway, staring directly at me with blazing, passionate blue eyes, was a god.

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