kP cant give anymore kids

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We're back from We Day in Canada. I have no idea how to tell JP my chances of carrying more kids for him is little to none. But the doctor said we could always try. I don't wanna start a fight I know it will. JP had his heart on more kids now I can't give him that. I pace the floor waiting for him. I gather my thoughts just as he walks through the door.

kP: babe
JP: yes
kP: I have news
JP: what's that.
kP: in Canada I got checked out. 
JP: yes
kP: I have one working ovary. My chances of giving you kids is little to none now
kP: don't be mad. The doctor said we can still try.
kP: we have two beautiful girls be freaking happy. Never hurts to freaking try
JP: I want more biological kids and you can't give me that.

Just what I didn't want my husband is now ticked off at me. I call Reid in tears.

kP: *calls Reid crying*
Reid: *answers* hello kP what you need
kP: *cries* he's mad at me.
Reid: I'll be over there soon kP. Pack a bag you and twins can stay with Kassie while I talk with your husband.
kP: *sniffles* thanks Reid your the best.
Reid: no problem sis. Get ready with the twins I'll be there in 15 with Kassie. I love you sis.
kP: I will Reid. I love you too. And the twins love you too bro.

I race to mine and JPs room. Pack a bag for the twins and I so we can stay with Reid and Kassie for a few days. I don't know why my husband can't be supportive of this I had no control over this happening. I want to talk it over but JP won't cause he's so hellbent on having more kids. I take to Twitter and send out a tweet saying hey how would y'all feel if I said my chances to having more kids is little to none but there's still a 50% chance I can get pregnant. I go off Twitter and see my phone flood in messages. I read some tweets from fans and see one and its that April chick Kassie always talks with. I read it @thekimberlyperry hey kP it's April. You may know me from @thekassieperry's Twitter but i just want to tell you no matter what you chose to do I'll support it. I love you kP stay strong. If you want a surrogate hit me up. I read her tweet and dm her

kP: hey April it's kP the real kP what's your cell number?
April: ASDFGHJKL omg the real kP just dm'd me
It's 1-606-867-5309 (A/N: made up with the song 867-5309)
kP: *sends laughing emojis* thanks Hun. I'll hit you up. Do you have tickets to see us yet?
April: no 😭
kP: I'll send you tickets. You deserve to met and hangout with Kassie. I see you guys talk a lot.
April: thanks kP. I wanna meet all y'all.
kP: I'll get in contact with someone April and you'll have a day with us alone. No show. Nothing. Just a day in the life of The Band Perry. You'll get your hair done by our professional hairstylist.
April: yay
kP: listen April I gotta go I'll message you later sweet girl.

I get off Twitter cause I hear Reid's jeep door shut. I walk downstairs with the twins to Reid.


I get to kPs and I see her come down. I walk into the house and I'm greeted by my nieces hugging my legs. I see kP come down in a black cold shoulder top and black leather skirt. I smile and hug her.

Reid: kP are you ready to leave for a few days
kP: yes I am
Reid: *ignores JP* Kyla and Savannah are you girls ready to stay with uncle Reid and aunt Kassie for a few day?
Kyla: yes uncle Reid
Savannah: yes yes and yes
Reid: go to jeep Kassie will drive you home. Uncle Reid will call aunt Kassie to pick him after he talks to daddy
JP: *gulps & thinks* holy crap I'm in deep trouble known my brother in-law wants to talk.
Kyla: Kay uncle Reid
Savannah: Kay uncle Reid
kP: okay Reid. Stay safe brother man.
Kassie: *from the jeep* If JP starts throwing things babe call right away I don't want you hurt.
Reid: will do love.
Kassie: can I have some sugar before you go and talk to JP
Reid: *walks over to Kassie and kisses her* love you babe and love Aurora too. I'll call you soon. Ily kP if false labor happens again call dad.
kP: will do brotherman. When's Kassie due
Reid: 3.5 weeks if her water breaks now blow up my phone.
kP: I will Reid.
Reid: thanks sis. Your the best.
kP: i know

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