3 yrs later

38 3 0

~current time~


Im laying on the floor playing with my daughters when I hear Kyla talk.

Kyla: mama
kP: yes baby
Kyla: can we see aunt kassie and uncle Reid
kP: sure we can baby. Get your sister and get dressed.
Kyla: kay mama

I watch my daughters get dressed im about to get dressed myself when my phone goes off with a text

Kassie: *texts* umm kP are you and your daughters coming over? Cause my husband and I wanna tell you something.
kP: *texts* yes why? What is it?
Kassie: *texts* we'll tell you when you get here.
kP: *texts* oh okay.

I go and get ready. And can't help think what the surprise is from Kassie. Is Kassie expecting? Are they adopting? I'm suddenly ripped from my thoughts when I hear Savannah cry. I run into her room and see a little cut on her knee. I get a little bandaid, put it on the cut, and kiss her knee.

kP: Better baby
Savannah: yes momma
kP: momma glad.

I finish getting the twins dressed and head out to Kassie's and Reid's place. I pull into Reid's and Kassies and see Kassie outside in one of Reid's shirts. I park and get the twins out. I'm greeted in a hug by my baby brother.

Reid: kP Kassie and I have news to tell you.
kP: tell me
Kassie: *pulls off Reid's shirt unveiling a tight tank top and a 5.5 month baby bump*
kP: ahhhh your pregnant. Congratulations Kassie and congratulations brotherman.
Reid: thanks kP
kP: do you know what your having yet or is it a surprise?
Kassie: sense I discovered Reid and I were pregnant I wanted to know the sex right away. Reid agreed we know at 4.5 months. It's a girl.
kP: that's awesome. What's her name
Reid: Aurora Skye
kP: awe that's a very pretty name
Kassie: thanks sissy
Reid: thanks sis
kP: how she get that name? And does Neil and Lindsey know yet?
Kassie: the day we found out we were having a girl the beautiful Auroras were gonna be out. We laid there watching them. I turned to Reid and said "these aurora lights are so pretty" I felt slight a kick. I smiled and mouthed to reid saying 'say aurora' so he did and she kicked again. We knew we had her name.
Reid: no Neil and Lindsey don't know yet. And you don't tell them cause we're inviting them to our house for lunch and Kassie is gonna wear something tight to show off her baby bump.
kP: I love that plan Reido. My lips are sealed. I hope they'll just as surprised as I was. Kassie how you hide it for so long.
Reid: *nods*
Kassie: I used really baggy shirts or hoodies. The first 3 months I used Reid's stage clothe. Then 4 to 5.5 months I used xl hoodies.
kP: I see now. I was gonna ask why you wore hoodies to big for you multiple times on tour. I'm just glad I didn't ask.

I look over and see my twins very amused by Kassie's baby bump.

Kyla: I touch
Kassie: let me sit down first then you can.
Kyla: kay
Kassie: *sits down* you can now touch

I watch Kyla put her little hand on Kassie's stomach and pulls it away fast. I watch her face go from excitement to pure horror. I was about to say Aurora kicked but Kassie beat me to it.

Kassie: Kyla it's okay Aurora your cousin just kicked saying hi is all.
Kyla: *smile creeps back* Sissy
Savannah: yes
Kyla: touch bump

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