Twins birth (3 yrs ago)

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June 22nd

I'm waiting for my husband  JP to get home from Baseball. I don't know how much longer I have before I go into labor with these twins. I hear the door open and see my husband walk in. He walks over to me and kisses me and I feel my water break.

kP: babe
JP: yes
kP: my water broke. Get the baby bag.
JP: will do.

I see JP get the baby bag. And I walk to the dodge truck and climb in. I see JP come and put the bag in the back of the truck. I watch him climb in and start up the truck. I breathe to the beat of We Will Rock You by Queen to calm down. It's no help so I scream out in pain. JP rubs my leg I try breathing again. It fails I think I'm close to pushing but I brush it off. We get to the hospital and get into the private room. One of the doctors come in and checks how far I am. I get the cue im good to push. I grab JPs hand and push. I give 4 pushes and Kyla comes out. I then breathe. They give me the cue to push. I give 3 pushes and Savannah comes out. I watch them clean them off. They're laid on my chest. I tell JP to get the family. I see him get the family. I watch them file in.

Kassie: congratulations on the twins kP
kP: thanks Kassie.
Lindsey: how does it feel to be a mom kP
kP: it's strange to think I welcomed to girls into the world. I love it.
Kassie: can I hold one of the girls?
kP: sure can Kassie. *hands over Kyla*
Kassie: *holds kyla* she's gorgeous kP
kP: thanks Kassie. *sees engagement ring on Kassie* umm kas
Kassie: yes
kP: why didn't you tell me my brother proposed to you?
Kassie: I was gonna tell you but I didn't want to take away from the twins.
kP: *smiles* well congratulations on the engagement. And when did my brother propose?
Kassie: thanks kP. Last night we were looking at stars. I turned to kiss him and see the ring in his hand.
Lindsey: can I hold the other one kP
kP: sure can *hands over Savannah*
Lindsey: *holds Savannah*
kP: we have two sets of twins in this family now.

I'm just relaxing when Kassie and Lindsey are hold the twins. I look over and see Kassie and Reid together with Kyla. *thinking* once my brother and Kassie get married they need to have kids. Not an obsessive amount maybe 3 or 4. 2 of both. They'll be good parents. I hear there conversation but act like I heard nothing.

Kassie: *smiles* Reid babe you wanna hold Kyla.
Reid: sure *walks over to Kassie and gently takes Kyla*
Kassie: i wanna baby now babe
Reid: after we get married we can try the night of our wedding.
Kassie: *whispers in reids ear* but can we to it protected please
Reid: *whispers back in Kassie's ear* you know I can't say no I to that.
Kassie: yay I love you Reid.

I turn to Lindsey and Neil. I see Neil is in a puddle of cuteness. He's a sucker when it comes to babies. I hear my Kyla cry which makes Savannah cry. I see Reid walk over Kyla and Neil walks over Savannah. I tell Neil to give Savannah to JP so I can fed one at a time. I watch him nod and hand her over to JP. I cover up and feed Kyla.

Kassie: kP we're gonna head out so we can let you rest. You're probably tired after giving birth.
kP: *nods* thanks for coming to visit Kassie
Kassie: so welcome.

I watch Neil, Lindsey, Kassie, Reid, mom and dad leave. It's just JP and I.

kP: *feeding Kyla* babe
JP: yes baby
kP: how do you like being a dad now
JP: I love it so much. How do you like being a mom
kP: I love it so much. *finishes up feeding Kyla* hun hand me Savannah. You just need to burp Kyla she should then sleep.
JP: *nods, hand over Savannah and takes Kyla*
kP: *covers up and feeds Savannah* how do you think your coach will take it know your a dad and can't leave for 8 weeks
JP: relax babe got it covered *phone goes off* babe do you mind answering my phone it's for you anyway
kP: sure *answers phone* hello Mrs. Arencibia talking how may I help you.
?: Kimberly it's JPs coach. JP called and said you had twins today. Is that true
kP: very true im very sore
?: congratulations Kimberly
kP: thanks. Can JP say back home for 8 weeks
?: yes he can Kimberly. Rest up and tell JP the team congratulates him on the twins.
kP: well do. Bye
?: bye *hangs up*
kP: *hangs up and hands the phone back to jp* the team says congratulations on the twins. And do you mind burping Savannah please
JP: *smiles* I don't mind at all.

When JP walks with Savannah I hear Savannah burp. JP hands her back to me I lay her in the baby bed next to me. I see Kyla already asleep. And Savannah follows soon after. I pulls JP in bed with me. I cuddle the best I can without hurting myself. I lay on his chest an sleep.

~2 hours later~

I wake up panicked cause I can't feel any kicking. I hear the twins cry i breathe out a sigh of relief and get up slowly and change them. I lay them back down and they fall asleep. I crawl back in bed and sleep peacefully.

A/N: hey yall how did yall like this part of the new story im making. I do promise the next part will be better and will be modern time too with the twins 3 yrs old.

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