A heart warming reunion

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The icy wind that whipped at his face didn't bother him anymore. He laughed happily as he looked at his long lost mother Valka. Elsa smiled at him as she saw the happiness written all over his face.Behind them, hiccup heard dragons screeching and turned his neck to see a heard of thousands of dragons following the both of them .He looked at Elsa who merely shrugged. "Hey,I-I thought we were going to eat." He asked his mother.Valka, who was riding cloudjumper ahead of them, replied "Oh we are !" And held out her arm at toothless. Toothless came to a halt , evidently as confused as hiccup and elsa was. His mother nodded downwards at the sea. Confused, they both peered down at the emrald waters. Elsa gasped as the gigantic head of the bewildebeast could be seen, approaching the surface at a high speed. The dragon bellowed loudly as it broke the water surface. It was so huge that hiccup was yet to see the dragon's full body. Only the head of the dragon itself was as huge as a small island. It blew hard as it fell back into the ocean . As it blew, thousands of mackerel flew up into the sky and for a moment, it looked like it was raining fishes.Hiccup gasped as his face lit up in exhilaration and wonder. Valka laughed heartily , seeing the wonder on the faces of her son and his betrothed.. The dragons behind them dipped downwards as they all chased after the falling fishes. Toothless looked at hiccup with excited eyes, smacking his tongue . The dragon had never looked more excited since elsa had known him. Hiccup gestured down for the dragon as if to say 'help yourself' . The dragon bellowed happily and shot downwards and dipped just before they hit the water. Elsa peered at the dragon's mouth and giggled as she saw at least twenty fished that the hungry dragon had grabbed in between its teeth.

After feeding time, they all rested on a tiny ice island in the ocean. Hiccup spread out his map and began to explain excitedly to his mother about all the places that he had discovered. Elsa watched him spill out his heart with loving eyes. "And then, from Arendelle, I found this archipelago..." he stopped mid sentence , looking around for Valka. She appeared to be drawing a map of her own on the ice , which was thrice the size of hiccup's map. He gasped "Whoa...That's gotta be the whole world right there!" Hiccup 's mother grinned at him lovingly. Toothless bellowed as he tried to help out hiccup, drawing random designs around all of them. Cloudjumper peered at toothless curiously. Elsa giggled as hiccup shrugged at his mother.

"Come on . I have to take you to the Windfall valley!" Valka beamed at him and flew off on cloudjumper. "Hah. Where is that exactly?" He asked curiously as he helped elsa onto toothless's back and clambered on. She simply smiled and replied. "You'll see.".

They flew towards a snowy cliff where Valka held up her palm to stop them. She merely said "Let yourself go..." and she dropped. Hiccup peered curiously and saw cloudjumper stationary, mid air, as the strong winds from underneath them blew hard onto them, causing the dragon's to float back up. Hiccup grinned as toothless dropped down. Valka laughed as hiccup looked up at her, amazed. She looked into his eyes and then began climbing from one dragon onto another, as they formed a stair like formation for her to walk on. She dropped onto toothless's extended wing and ruffled hiccup's hair as she smiled at elsa and walked over to the other wing before inexplicably sliding off. Elsa gasped and reached out her hand, ready to send out an ice slide to catch hiccup's mother. She paused and found herself laughing as she watched Valka chuckle back at them, perched on cloudjumper's back.

They rose higher and higher, and the other dragons continued playing on the wind tunnel. Valka sighed and said "Oh. When I'm up here, I don't even feel the cold.i just feel..." . "Elsa caught Hiccup's eye as he completed "....free.". Elsa found here self smiling as she saw Valka and hiccup gaze at each other. Where had she been all his life? Valka laughed and extended her arms horizontally and sighed " This is what it is to be a dragon, hiccup..." . Hiccup caught Elsa's eye and shouted over the wind " It's all well and good to call yourself a dragon ...." Elsa noticed hiccup lock toothless's tail wing and release his safety catch. She rolled her eyes. He was about to show off again. She remembered when he showed off to her, back in the cove that anna had found in Arendelle. Hiccup continued as he ran off toothless's back shouting"...but can you fly??". Elsa heard Valka gasp as she moved forward on toothless's back to help steer him. Hiccup still hadn't mastered the gliding technique with the locked tail wing . She looked at hiccup's mother to see her shocked expression. She looked down to see hiccup slide his forearms into the leather extention loops on his legs, releasing his 'wings'. Toothless grunted to Elsa. Her eyes widened slightly as she realised that the dragon had to go and catch him. Toothless glided over closer to cloudjumper as elsa shifted over onto cloudjumper's back. Then the big black dragon shot down to help his friend." She heard hiccup yell excitedly "YAHAA! WOO-HOO!" He grinned up at elsa. He turned back and yelled "oh no...Toothless! !" He was flying straight into a hollow rock formation. Elsa aimed her arms at the rock and shot out an ice blast that split the rock in two. Toothless screeched as he shot forward, to save hiccup. He caught up to him in the nick of time as the rock crumbled, crashing into the snow below. As Valka landed, elsa jumped off and ran towards toothless. The dragon looked at her reproachfully as he opened his wings which had formed a cocoon Shape to shield hiccup. To their shock, he was nowhere to be seen. "Whoo-hoo! Ha! Man, almost! We just about had it this time. " Elsa heard his voice as he jumped up out of a heap of snow next to them and looked at her and toothless , clearly exhilarated. Toothless glared at him madly and swiped his tail in the snow, tripping hiccup. Elsa snickered. Valka rushed forward, sharing hiccup's excited feeling. And felt around hiccup's artificial dragon wings. "Incredible!" She mumbled. She placed her palm on his face and stared into his eyes. Elsa smiled quietly, seeing him so happy. Toothless grunted and nudged her gently. She looked on as she scratched his neck. She heard Valka say " all this time... you took after me... and where was I? " she began to cry as she caressed her son's face lovingly. " I'm so sorry hiccup.Can we start over?Will you give me another chance?"he smiled at her as she continued, clearly feeling remorseful for leaving her son behind. " I can teach you all that I've learnt these past twenty years.Like..." she stopped mid sentence as she walked over to Elsa and toothless and she placed her index finger on the dragon's spine and rotated it softly. Elsa hear a cracking noise as she saw toothless's spine fins expand and split into two. " Now..he can make those tight turns.." she said proudly as she beamed at elsa. Toothless grunted and wagged his newly found spines at elsa as she giggled at him. Hiccup stroked his dragon. "Did you know about this?" . The dragon was too busy showing off his new attribute that he didn't hear hiccup and he was playing around with cloudjumper. Valka chuckled and continued. " every dragon has it's secrets ..and. .. I'll show them all to you! Well unlock every last species. Every mystery as mother,son and wife ." She took elsa and Hiccup's hand. Elsa looked at Hiccup's eyes and they both blushed scarlet as Valka called elsa his wife. She chuckled at the young couple's shyness .Valka hugged hiccup as she said "this is who we are , hiccup ". Hiccup looked stunned as he looked up at elsa . She smiled and nodded at him as he hugged his mother tightly. "Ohh...This is great. Now we can all talk to Drago and every thing will be O-kay. ". His mother chuckled as ,to their dismay, she repeated Stoick words. " There's no talking to Drago. A chief protects his own." . Hiccup groaned as elsa looked at him and smiled apprehensively.

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