Meeting the dragon thief

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He had to try to stop this war before his father did anything.....well.... viking - like. He felt bad for putting Elsa through all these problems which were, frankly, his own. But she chose to stay with him when Stoick had offered her return to Arendelle. He loved her even more for that. He spun around as he heard a deadly nadder screech behind him. He saw a rider with curly, spring like auburn hair following them. "Hold up ,hiccup! " Merida yelled as she caught up with them. Slightly startled, he said" what what are you doing? Don't you know how my dad reacts if he found out that you followed me out? I can look after myself and now I've gotta watch your back too ?" Hiccup groaned. Merida raised her eyebrows at him. " Hah! Who said anything about you watching my back? I'm the one here who's gonna be watching your back ! And did you forget ,your highness , that I'm a princess as well, fully capable of leaving the hangar at my own free will?" She chortled. Hiccup sighed. Even though she may have many flaws, the one thing hiccup greatly admired about her was her independent nature and her desire to prove herself as a warrior." what you will...but don't say I didn't warn ya." .Toothless cooed. Hiccup looked forward and squinted his eyes. He chuckled silently. He could see the fort on which Eret the dragon wrangler was standing, taking aim at them. "Watch out for those guys" hiccup muttered to Merida who nodded silently.

A sudden crack was heard in the air as the net came wizzing straight at them. Toothless dodged it and zoomed towards the fort, landing with all his force to frighten the crew . Merida landed after him. Eret snickered. "Changed betrothal partners already ,have we ? " . His men laughed at his snide comment. Merida snickered back. "Don't worry, he's still betrothed to the blondie. But just so everyone here knows, If we were the last three on this planet and I had to choose either one of you, I'd choose Mr lanky here and not you , Mr overgrown sausage." His men burst out laughing at her retrot and Eret's face turned scarlet. He grabbed his sword and pointed it at hiccup. "Just when I thought we were going to get a whippin from Drago, you show up. What do you want? " Merida drew out an arrow and took aim at Eret. Hiccup gestured her to lower it. Bewildered, she lowered her bow as hiccup answered him. "Nothing.... We give up. " he said as Eret and his men scratched their head, trying to work around what was happening. Toothless shared their confusion. "That's a night fury and a deadly nadder. And...." he grabbed a net lying on the floor and threw it over Merida. "Two of the finest dragon riders West of the north mountain. That oughta make the boss happy. ". "What are you planning?" Eret demanded, lowering his blade slightly.hiccup ignored him as he moved himself and merida into the ship's prison cell " Don't mind the dragons. ..They don't really care for cramped spaces. Stay there bud..." he whispered to toothless as the dragon looked at him with reproachful eyes as he lowered the prison door " they'll just hangout with you...They shouldn't be a problem... unless you point your blades at them . " hiccup peeked his head out of the cell and added. " Ya know.....wooden boat...big ocean....ha-how is your swimming?" . He asked. One of the men answered "not very good" . Eret spun around as hiccup's blazing sword caught his eye. Hiccup had intentionally switched it on for Eret to notice it. "Ah yes..I almost forgot !" He said jokingly " Ya can't have armed prisoners!what was I thinking?" He handed the blade over to one of Eret's men. "What-are-you-doing-hiccup?"Merida whispered from below. He signalled her to shut up. "That's a custom made blade right there. One end coats the air with hideous zippleback gas. The other end sparks it up with monstrous nightmare saliva. "He elaborated as the men looked at it curiously. " All it takes is a spark....and..." he lowered his head, chuckling as the men unwittingly clicked both sides, creating a tiny explosion that covered their faces in soot. " There ya go!" Hiccup exclaimed mockingly. ". "Gimme that!" Eret snatched the blade out of their hands and hurled it into the sea. Merida ' s dragon, which she named Angus, shot after the blade and returned it to Eret, as if to play fetch. Eret looked at the dragon , bewildered. "What kind of trick do you think your planning?" He questioned hiccup. "Nothing!" Hiccup reassured him. " We just want to meet your boss." ."Why? " Eret retorted. Mustering up and wearing his serious face, Hiccup said "because I'm gonna change his mind about dragons." At this revelation, Eret and his men laughed loudly. " HAH! You won't be changing any minds around here ...". " I can change yours right here ...right now..." hiccup said smartly. Merida followed hiccup out of the prison and added "he can be pretty persuasive ,you know... " hiccup nodded. He shifted the foot lever forward on toothless's saddle, locking up his tail wing. "May I ?" Hiccup asked in a polite manner. As he stood there, a dragon swooped down on him and hijacked him out of the ship."what ...what the-- " hiccup looked up and saw a rider on top of the dragon. Snotlout smirked down on him victoriously. "Snotlout,lemme go!" . He wriggled free from the dragon's talons and opened up his wing suit, gliding towards the ship again. Another dragon steered right through the mast of the shop, tearing it apart. Hiccup and merida spun around to see the whole gang landing on deck, including gobber. "Guys what are you doing here?" Hiccup remarked. Gobber exclaimed "we're rescue yeu!" . " We don't need--" Merida began before an icy cold filled the air. Hiccup spun around and Groaned as he saw his father's silhouette walking towards him. Behind him appeared Elsa. She looked beautiful as ever, he thought . She had changed back into her Arendelle clothes by now. So much for being inconspicuous, hiccup caught himself thinking. Hiccup stayed silent as Eret foolishly continued. "Well, didn't you pick the wrong ship eh? I am Eret. Son of Eret--" Stoick shot a glare at him and pushed him out of the way. Undeterred , he rambled "I am Eret--" he stopped as gobber knocked him to the floor and used his gronckle to hold him in place. "Get ....This me " . Stoick glared at all of them. "Pack up. We go back now..." hiccup sighed as elsa glanced at him apprehensively. "No..." he contradicted his father. "Hiccup of all the irresponsible --" Stoick started raising his voice. "I'm trying to stop a is that irresponsible.?" . "BECAUSE WAR IS WHAT HE WANTS SON!" Stoick looked livid with anger at hiccups stubbornness. He sighed deeply as he saw everyone's confused faces. "Years ago, there was a great gathering of Viking chieftains to discuss the dragon scourge we all faced. Into our midst came a strange man from a strange land. He was draped in a cloak of dragon skin. He carried no weapon and spoke softly. Saying that he,Drago Bludvist, was a man of the people .He was devoted to saving mankind from the tyrrany of dragons. He vowed to protect us if.....We chose to bow down and follow him." Hiccup realised that every viking on board was laughing their head off. He glanced at Elsa , who looked as confused and apprehensive as he was. Merida was chortling. "Good one!" Ruffnut exclaimed, wiping away tears of laughter. A viking, bow down to someone? Now that's a good joke right there. Stoick continued, his face still grim."Aye. We laughed too. But then he wrapped himself in his cloak and shouted 'then see how well you do without me!' And exited. The rooftop burst into flames,as armoured dragons descended,burning the place to the ground...I..I and merida's father were the only one to escape..." There was a long and disturbing silence which Stoick broke it " men without reason cannot be reasoned with. " Hiccup furrowed his brows in thought and then looked up. "Mabye ...but I'm still going to try... This. .is what I'm good at..and if I could change your mind...I can change his too. " .Hiccup ...." Stoick began before Hiccup cut him off ."No dad.". He clambered onto toothless's back." You coming ?" He added to Elsa who nodded , not looking at Stoick .She climbed on behind him and toothless shot up skyward and vanished behind the clouds. Merida,eager to join in on the adventure clambered onto her dragon's back. "C'mon Angus." .Stoick stopped her. "NO! Princess. I've had enough mutiny for a day. Lead the others back to Berk and then you're free to do as you wish.".She groaned. Up in the clouds, Elsa watched hiccup apprehensively as he began to fill up with rage. Finally exploding,he screamed at the top of his voice.Toothless looked up curiously at him. "Hiccup please! Your father only wants what's best for you and best for your kingdom."Elsa said as she kissed him on his cheek. He breathed heavily as he muttered" I'm sorry. Don't worry. I won't let anything happen to you both. " ."I know you wont" she said as she hugged him tightly from behind. She noticed that toothless was tensing up. Looking around,Elsa's eyes widened in shock and fear as a masked figure seemed to be standing on the clouds,moving on something next to them.

(Hiccelsa)-HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DRAGON 2Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora