Wolves of Hell

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"I don't know how it works. They just come when I need them the most. I do know the power to summon them comes from this necklace." I held up my shark tooth wolf necklace as I tried to explain the Hell Wolves.

"How come you haven't used them before?" Dean asked. "It could have helped us out a couple of times."

"I didn't know how."

"Then how did you-?"

"Like I said I don't know."

"You might want to figure it out."

The room grew quiet until I sneezed, I sneezed so hard it gave me a head ache.

"Fuck," I mumbled after my sneeze.

"Bless your heart and soul forever and may you live in peace and prosperity for the rest of your life in the land of the Lord and angels." Kirsten said and I sent her a glare.

Clapping was heard from behind me, so I jumped at turned to see Gabriel, Cas, and Sapphire standing behind me. Gabe was giving a slow clap for Kirsten and her, well I guess you could call it a blessing.

"That was awesome!" Sapphire said.

Dean was staring at Kirsten in total shock and I was amused.


I was tracing the scars on my arm as I sat bored out of my mind. I picked up the beer bottle next to me and threw it at a mirror shattering the glass. Kirsten completely ignored what I did but Sam looked over at me and Dean was giving me the ultimate bitch face.

"Yah know Dean, you have a face only a mother could love," I told him.

"Hey-" He said after a few seconds.

"I've heard snappier comebacks from a bowl of rice crispy treats."

"I didn't even-"

"Finish your sentence? You didn't need to."


"Bitch? Heard that one before."

He didn't say anything else.

"That's what I thought."

When I looked over at Sam his eyebrows were raised.

"I am the queen of bitchyness, I always win." I said smirking at him.


My cellphone started ringing and I chose to ignore it. I wasn't in the mood to talk to anybody. Plus if it was an emergency they would call my emergency cell, that kind of the whole point of it. My other cell started ringing, the tone was Antivist by Bring Me the Horizon. My emergency cell. Just what I needed.

"What." I growled as I answered the phone.

"K-kody. I have a p-problem." It was Katie, her voice was shaky and scared. Not like her normal self at all.

"What happened?"

"I just need you to come and help me." She let out a hiccuped sob as she spoke.

"I'll be there as soon as I can."

I hung up and went to find the others. It wasn't hard, Dean and K were eating and watching Netflix, and Sam was on his computer.

"I think we got a hunt, I'm not sure but we need to get going as soon as possible. I'm telling you all I know so font even ask. I have no idea what's happening. We gotta move now though."

I spun around and went to my car. I waited with my legs resting on the steering wheel waiting for everyone to get ready to leave. Sam was the first out and he got into the passenger side eof my car and set Moon in the back seat. I nodded a thank you and we waited a few minutes until K and Dean got into the Impala. I took lead since I knew where we were going.

It took us a couple of hours to get to Katie's house and when we did Katie was on her porch huddled into a ball. Kirsten ran out of the Impala to her. I took my time, I had never been really good friends with Katie and to be honest, to me she's a fucking annoying whore.

By the time I got out of my car Dean was standing beside Kirsten who was sitting next to Katie trying to talk to her. Sam followed closely behind me as I walked to her.

"What happened?"I asked her.

She stuck out her left arm instead of talking. There was a bite wound neer her elbow, it looked infected and torn.

"What is that from?" Kirsten gasped.

"A werewolf," I answered for her.

Kirsten looked at Katie as if she was hoping it wasn't true but Katie nodded. Tears pricked Kirsten's eyes as I turned around and walked to my car, I lifted the backseat and pulled out a handgun. Moon meowed at me as I closed the door behind me. Dean pulled Kirsten away from Katie and wrapped her into a hug. I cocked the gun and shot Katie between her eyes then turned and walked back to my car where Moon was napping contently. At least I  won't have to deal with that bitch anymore.

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