Pranks Rule

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Gabriel was not the dick-bag the Winchester's chalked him up to be. He was pretty cool and I enjoyed his sense of humor, it was funny and sometimes violent. He had also given me the best idea for a prank just by telling me a story about a prank he played in the Winchester's. I still hadn't told anyone I had talked to him, I'm sure it wouldn't get a good reaction.

So instead of just telling Sam that I've been talking to Gabriel I desided to prank him, with a little help from the trickster himself.

"Are you sure this is going to work?" I asked Gabriel.

"Or course it is."

"You seem really confident in yourself."

"I've been doing this longer than you can imagine."

"I'm sure you have but the Winchester's know your tricks."

"Yes but the Winchester's think I'm dead."

"Not after this they aren't."

"Are you doubting me?"

"Don't be offended. I doubt everybody."

"Just keep your cool and don't give anything away."

"I know how to lie, Gabriel. How you think I got the boys to trust me?"

The angel just shrugged.

"Well then I guess I'll see you tomorrow," I said.

"You have horrible people skills," He replied before disappearing.

"Yeah I know," I said mostly to myself.


Sam and Dean went on a hunt without Kirsten and I. Kirsten wasn't in the mood to hunt still and I honestly stopped giving a shit about what happened to the world.

"Hey Kody?" Kirsten yelled from the kitchen.


"You want a beer?"

"Why are you even asking?"


I looked around the room again, it looked so different upside down. I was doing a handstand on the back of the couch.

"Ummm.... do you want this while you're upside down?" Kirsten asked.

"No. There is no way I'm able to balance on one hand. Just set it down somewhere."


Standing on my hands helps me think, it's probably all the blood rushing to my head.

"Hey K," I yelled.


"You wanna help me with a prank when the boys get back?"


I told her all about the plan and so we set it up and waited for the boys.


They were only gone for two days on a salt and burn so I didn't have to wait long for my prank.

Kirsten and I waited all day and acted completely normal, which implied me being a jerk to Dean and that gets tiring.

"It wouldn't hurt to be a little nicer to my brother," Sam told me as we lay in bed.

"Yes it would." I replied sleepily.

"Could you at least try?"

"Maybe next week."

He sighed and I snuggled into his chest before falling asleep.


Gabriel woke Kirsten and I up, without waking Sam and Dean of course.

"This will be awesome," Gabriel whispered.

"Well obviously, pranks rule," I replied quietly.

I set a radio on the table beside Sam's bed and plugged it in. I turned the volume up as far as it would go before turning it on and retreating to the door way. I nodded at Gabriel and the radio started blaring Heat of the Moment.

Sam imidiatly jumped into a sitting position and the look on his face was priceless. All three of us burst into laughter, I high five to Gabriel then Kirsten. The music stopped but our laughter didn't.

"What the hell?" Sam yelled.

"It was his idea," I said through my laughter and pointing at Gabriel.

Our laughter eventually bubbled down and Gabriel had desided that sticking around was a bad idea, so he left. Sam wasn't happy with Kirsten or I, in fact he was pissed.

Sorry my chapters have been so short lately, I've been really busy. I will try to update as often as possible but I will be riding two horses every day (an hour each) so it will be hard. Well here's this chapter lovelies.



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