Demons are Family Too

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Sam wasn't mad at me, I was sure of that. I guess he was still trying to figure out how Gabriel was alive.

"Hey Sam," I said.

"What?" He replied.








"What the hell do you want Kody?"

"I dunno. I just like saying your name."

He gave me a look, which I ignored, like normal.


"What do you want now?"

"Do you have a middle name?"

"Of course I have a middle name."

"What is it?"


"After your dad?"

"Yeah. Did you know my dad?"

"No. Bayne did, but I never met him."

"What's your middle name?"

"Grace. Don't even say it, I know it's girly."

"I wasn't going to say anything."

"Yeah right."

"Hey Kody," Kirsten yelled.

"What," I yelled back.

"I think we have a problem."

I sighed and got up, heading to the kitchen where Kirsten was sitting at the table.

"What?" I sighed.

"Um... I think your brother is back." She lowered he head slightly and waited for my reaction.

"W-what do you mean he's back?"

"Haven called, she has a demon problem. Turns out your brother is with them."

"How... oh. He's half demon so when he died..."

"Yeah. I think that's what happened."

"So that means..."


"B-but... He's my brother."

"He's a demon," Dean said. I almost jumped when I realized he had been standing against the wall the whole time. "He needs to be killed."

"He's my brother!"

"That doesn't change the fact that he's a demon."

"What if Sam was a demon? What would you do then?"

"That's different. He would be possessed, there would be no reason to kill him."

"But he's my family."

"No he's your blood, not your family."

"Give her a brake, Dean. She thought he was dead, not going around killing people." Sam said coming up behind me. 

  "Wouldn't it be a reasonable assumption that if her brother is already half demon, when he dies he he's going to go full-on demon?"

"Why can't you just shut your fucking asymmetrical face," I growled.

"Asymmetrical?" Dean asked.

"Oh whoops. I guess I shouldn't use such big words around such a dumb-ass." With that I stormed off into my room.

[Under Major Editing]Wishing on Death (a supernatural fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now