Chapter 3

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I opened my locker on the third day. I reached up to slide a book onto the top shelf. I flinched, stretching my arms too much and brought the book back down to my stomach. My skin felt tight. I brought the book up again, but couldn't reach as the nook of my elbow extended. The pain stung and I brought my hands back down. How was this going to work?

I heard footsteps to the side of me. The book was snatched from my hands and thrown to the ground. There was laughter. I turned to see a group of boys who were standing next to me. One of them was watching me with a dumb smile on his face. “You stupid or something?” he questioned. I looked at the book, laying open on the floor, then back at the boy.

“No.” I answered.

“Then pick it up!” he laughed and the boys behind him mocked me.

“Why don't you.” I snapped, fearing my skin would stretch too much if I reached for it in front of them.

Suddenly he grabbed my shirt and rammed me into the wall of lockers. I yelped, tugged at my sleeves to make sure my hand hadn't slipped out. They chuckled at me and kicked my book before dropping me and walking away.

I sighed. I bent down, but the skin on my back stretched taught. I winced. Just pretend you're in physical therapy, I thought as I leaned, just... pretend... I stretched, then snapped back up. My whole body was aching.

A hand reached down and grabbed the book off the floor. I stepped back, fearing someone would push me against the lockers again.

It was Chance. He handed me the book and leaned against a locker close to mine. He was wearing black skinny jeans and a black tee shirt. Skinny jeans on a guy was kinda creepy to me, but I ignored his dismal outfit.

He examined his painted nails by curling his fingers to his palm. He puckered his lips as he examined them closely. I watched for a moment until he looked up. I turned away and reached up to put the book on the top shelf. Just like physical therapy. Stretch.... I reached up but my arm tightened.

I sighed painfully.

Chance grabbed the book from my hand. He was much taller than me anyway. He put the book on the top shelf and pushed it back. He looked at my schedule that was taped on the inside of my locker. He ran his finger down a list of classes and then collected my books from my locker. He handed a stack to me. It was all of my things I needed for English class.


“No problem.” he closed my locker and began walking away. “See ya tomorrow in History.”

I hesitated, watching as he walked away bouncily. He was the first person to really talk to me and it was kinda scary. His blue creepy eyes. His creepy hair and clothes. Was he really going to become my only friend at this school? I really hoped not.

"Okay!" I called, "See ya!"

A Needed ChanceTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon