1. The Beginning

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Hey guys! This is my new story and my first ever story to be uploaded on Wattpad. Thank you to everyone who has taken time to read Jade's Story! 

Jade was beautiful and she knew it. Her blonde hair rested perfectly on her shoulders, highlighting her blue eyes. Her cheeks were naturally pink, giving her pale skin a nice glow. Her lips were perfectly shaped and her nose wasn't too big or too small; it was just right. She had a petite figure which gave her all the attention she didn't necessarily want, but she didn't complain. Even though she was aware of her mind-blowing beauty, she didn't rub it in people's faces, because that's not the kind of person she was.

Expectedly, her overpowering beauty led her to the top of the popularity ladder at school and she was always surrounded by tons of friends whom she loved enormously. Although she was popular, she didn't demand attention like other girls she could mention. Skye Halliwell and Chloe Deen were the most pathetic, attention- seeking girls in the whole of St. George's Secondary School and sadly, they were surprisingly popular, much to Jade's dismay, seeing that she really could not stand them. Unlike Jade, they demanded attention 24/7 and would do pretty much anything to be in the spotlight, no matter how bad their consequences would be. To put it simply, Jade disliked them massively and vice versa.

Jade woke up to the sound of her loud, repetitive alarm clock and shot out of bed immediately. It was only seven in the morning, but she knew she had school today, so it couldn't be helped. She hated being disturbed whilst she was sleeping, but she'd rather that happen than her mum literally drag her out of bed. As she made her way to the bathroom, she heard loud, thumping music coming from her brother's room. Bewildered, she barged straight into his room, disturbing him in the process.

Jade's P.O.V

"Jade get out my room, in case you hadn't noticed I'm trying to sleep!" he moaned annoyingly.

"I don't give a damn. Put the music down and I'll go." I challenged, narrowing my eyes at my brother.

"No, get lost. Seriously."

"God Logan you're such an ass," I complained, clearly in exasperation. God, was he stubborn.

I banged the door shut and made it to the bathroom successfully this time.

When I returned to my room, I carefully straightened my hair with one hand and applied light makeup with the other, wanting to go for a sort of natural look. I then selected a Black mini dress and a simple yet stylish pair of black Stiletto's. And before you ask, I wasn't not some sort of depressed emo; I just liked the colour black as much as the next girl. I grabbed my bag and headed downstairs, rather joyfully, considering it was a Monday morning and it was only school.

Thirty minutes later, Logan and I ate breakfast, said goodbye to Mom and Dad, and walked towards Lo's BMW. It was freezing so I quickly jumped in his car, whilst Lo started the ignition. We drove in silence as it was Monday morning and we were pretty much exhausted from the day before.

Believe it or not, my brother was only one year older than me. Him being in Year Eleven and me in Year Ten, despite the fact that I was much more mature and responsible than him.

In case I hadn't mentioned, Logan was also popular at school and all the girls begged for his attention which he stupidly gave. Skye and Chloe tried to grab his attention, but they failed miserably, ha ha to them. As well as being popular with the girls, he was undeniably excellent at soccer and everyone knew it. A few of his friends Tyler, Jason, Dylan, and Matt also played Soccer which was partly why they were so popular.

When we arrived at school, I hurriedly made my way to my tutor base, to avoid being late and being lectured by Mr. Fisher, the school principal, who everyone despised because of his overwhelming strictness. For instance, if you were even one minute late, he'd punish you with a thirty-minute detention after school as well as phoning home to inform your parents of this 'unacceptable behaviour'.

I glanced behind me and noticed Logan chatting casually to a group of friends, not at all worrying about being late and worse getting a detention followed by a very humdrum lecture from the world's best lecturer a.k.a Mr.Fisher. But then again, that behaviour was probably expected from the school's most popular bad boy, also my brother.

As I entered the classroom, I heard Logan and his friends being yelled at. I quietly snickered, enjoying the pleasure of watching my brother get reprimanded.

Just to let you know, the banner on the right is Lucy;)x

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