13. A Change in Plans...

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After finding out that Windell's brother Michael possibly rated me out to Natalie, I need to find another way to tamper with the DNA.

I realized that the people I have connections to at Southampton might not cooperate, so there's only one other option.... Bribery.

I need them to take the bribe so everything can go through smoothly.

I will have to figure out where Daniel and Windell are getting their test from, but I have to convince them to let me look for the DNA expert so I can bribe them.

I get my phone out of my coach purse and call Windell to discuss this.

"Hello." I started.

"What do you want Courtney, you are only given this number to discuss the DNA test, and your still pregnant so..."

"I can't just be ahead of time?"

"Didn't I tell-"

"I will call the agency to do the test."

"The thing i-"

"We don't trust you.", Natalie took the phone.

"Oh hey gurl, I've  missed you!"

"Hey hoe, I've  missed you too!"

Oop. No she didn't. When has she ever been ghetto.

"Oh why all the animosity?"

"Bitch don't play games with me. We know your trying to tamper with the DNA results. Michael ratted you out."


" Oh little ole me, I would never."

"Give me the phone Nat.", I heard Windell say in the background." No she trying me, I don't play that."

"Stop acting like you hard, girl you from Uptown Manhattan, and as for Michael, he can say buh bye to his little job."

"Girl maybe I became hood when I punched the shit out of you, and as for my brother-in-law Michael, your little connections left the hospital, so you can't threaten him boo."


"Oh and we already called the DNA specialist, Windell and Daniel are both getting theirs done by the same agency, so it's over boo."

"Fine. But Windell is the father, so the truth shall set you free."

"Whatever. We'll see you when dem babies is born. BYE."

The phone hung up.

What do I do now?


After I got in the middle of Windell and Courtney's conversation, I got upset, so I started listening to some empowering music, since I was upset and needed to calm down.

When you love someone so deeply they become your life.

It's easy to succumb to overwhelming fears inside.

Blindly I imagined I could keep you under glass.

Now I understand to hold you I must open up my hands and watch you rise.

I'm singing Mariah's song 'Butterfly', which is one of my few hundred favorite songs of hers. I continued to sing as the chorus came up.

Spread your wings and prepare to fly, for you have become a butterfly.

Oh oh oh oh fly abondonely into the sun.

And if you should return to me, we truly were meant to be

So spread your wings and fly, butterfly.

I was going in on this song. I gave myself a breather before I sang the climax of the song.

For you'll never be mine, until you know the way it feels to FLYYYYYYYYY!

"Get it Mariah."

I instantly jumped. Windell came back in the room and heard my grand finale.

" Oh sorry hun,  you know I like to listen to Mariah to get away from my problems."

"What problems?"

"Courtney. I knew the whole I'm sorry crap was fake. I've seen her do the same thing to girls when she turned on them, and she was talking to me like she was crazy on that phone, and I have to stay stress free so..."

" Babe you know not to let her get under your skin, ughh I can't believe I even got us in this situation. I-"

"Shhhh. Silence. Let's not worry our problems. It's Mariah Carey-oke time."

"Alright babe what song next?"

"Well I have 14 albums to sort through, but let's do her debut album."

I put the CD in the CD player as the music began to play.

"What song fir-"





Soooo, Courtney's plan is officially over, what do you think she'll do next?

Natalie is keeping calm by doing Mariah Carey-oke! (Clever I know)

Yes you guys she has ALL 14 of Mariah Carey's studio albums, she's a die hard #lamb #L4L.

What do you think will happen next? The song Natalie was singing 'Butterfly', is in the media.


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