chapter ten

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I was exhausted after I had came home yesterday I got a call that a needed to come into work.

so with my luck my shift didn't end tell two in the morning

I tiredly went into the school. I bumped into a few people I even failed to notice that no one yelled at me or pushed me back when I did.

I rested me head against the locker and sighed

"good morning sleepy head" Mike said resting his own head on my back.

"get off me I can't even hold my self up" I pouted.

Mike pulled me away from my locker and put an arm around me to support me.

together we walked to my first hour.

"hey kass," Mike said a little nervously right before I stepped into class.

"Yeah what is it" I asked turning to him

"I... w..was wondering....if you wanted to go out with me this weekend."

it took me a moment to understand what he was asking before I said "oh I'm sorry I can't I have this thing that I'm being forced to go to"

"if you don't want to just say so don't make up excuses" Mike said.

"I'm not I really-"  the bell cut me off making my sentience die in my mouth.

Mike just shook his head and left. I stood watching him for a second before stepping into class.

I sat in my regards seat. and of course Seth and Alec came over.

"good morning"

"no it's not" I replied laying my head on my desk.

"what's the matter".


"something is-"

"Mr. road and Mr. green I will not tolerate you two speaking today." Mr.Bin said giving them a glare that could melt ice.

Alec and Seth both shut there mouths. probably not wanting to push it.

for once I was thankful for Mr.Bin.

(I don't think I told you what classes Kass was in so I'm gonna do that now

1-ligature w/ Alec and Seth

2- free period w/Mike

3-  math w/Chris and Mike

4-science w/ Aden and all boys including Mike

5-history- Aden and Chris.

6-gym Aden and all boys , no Mike

so that's her schedule I thought I should include that!! now back to story)

the boys didn't try talking to me again which I was thankful for because my head was pounding like some miniature person was in my head with a mallet.

the bell rang and I jumped out of my seat to look for Mike.

I walked the mostly silent halls listing to my own foot steps.

I finally found him out side on one of the benches.

"Hey"I said as I approached.

he looked up at me but didn't say anything.

"about what you sai-l"

"forget it it's forgotten and  forgiven"

he said with a wide smile.

"good" I breathed out. I,didn't know what I'd do if I lost my only friend here.

"come on" he said grabbing my hand and pulling me out behind the school to the pond

I stayed away from the pond as we circled around it. I had a fear of big bodies of water.

a girl I had seen around smiled at me as she passed.

ok I thought.

as we headed back inside a guy that was in my math class waved at me which was weird because he use to trip me.

"What's going on" I muttered.

"that's because Aden told everyone to stop messing with you".

I cocked an eyebrow before I started laughing so hard I fell to the ground

"Aden wouldn't do that he hates me; I choked out between my laughs.

Mike have me a look that said 'you're crazy'

I shrugged it off as he helped me up.

"but I'm serious, people keep being nice to me, I mean in 1st hour I dropped my pencil and this one girl handed it to me" Mike gave me a confused look.

"and she didn't throw it across the room or brake it" I exclaimed.

"in serious too Aden really did do that"  I rolled my eyes

"well if that's true I'm going to have to kick his ass"

I sighed as Mike raised an eyebrow

"not that I'm complaining because I'm all in for you kicking his ass but why would you do that"

"because he keeps playing with me one minute he's mean and cold the next all sweet and on top of that people keep treating me the way he says too it's annoying."

Mike smiled at me and putt an arm around me as the bell rang and we went Into math.

once 4th hour came along I was irritated how people could quickly change the way they were around me. I didn't want fake friends so I mostly ignored every one.

we were outside again by the pond.

" I don't want any one falling in the pound today" Mr.hev said. glaring at the boys.

Aden was laughing at something Chris had said when I walked up to them.

"Hey ka-

I kicked Aden in the shin as hard as I could.

"ahhh what the he'll"Aden yelled.

"that's for making every one hate me and then like me"

"God your a crazy bitch" Aden said hoping on one foot while holding the hurt one.

I glared at the  boys as I walked over to Mike.

Mike started laughing as i neared him.

"that just made my day" Mike said.

I rolled my eyes as I say down on the

grass waiting for class to end.

"take out your history books" Mrs. puff my history teacher said.

I did as told as she began to explain a project we were going to do.

we were doing a project  on our choice of person who had a big impact in history.

I smiled as I thought of ideas history was my favorite subject.

"now I'll call random names for partners" Mrs. puff said holding a clip board. she closed her eyes and spun her finger  around then dropped it on the board.

"Fran hills and..." she related the process then called out "James Bush"

she kept going on. I listen for my name but it still hang been called

"Chris billings and Sara potter"

I saw Chris smile at that. "Kassandra Miller and.." she stopped for a moment then said something that made me want to punch her.

"Aden Grey"


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