chapter eight

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I stood once again in front the gates of golden gates university.

my Sunday passed uneventful. thankfully Aden didn't bother me again . i was just nervous how Monday would go. would Aden still act like a jerk or would he be annoying.

either way I didn't like Aden. the day before at the Ice cream shop the idea of being friends wasn't so bad and then I realized I could never forgive him for what he had done. since the moment I got to golden gates he had done nothing but make my life a living hell, true to his word.

"move you piece of filth" someone said making sure they hit me with there expensive bags.

I ruined me now sore arm.

"guess nothing's changed" I said walking in holding my old torn bag by the straps.

"hey" a voice greeted me.

I turned to look up at Mike.

"hey" I greeted back.

together we talked in to the hell whole.

"so I herd Aden took  you home " he said.

"kidnapped more like" I said

"that's not what I herd"

"Well you herd wrong"

I headed to my locker and pulled out the books I needed.

"I'll see you later" I told Mike.

I walked to my first class which I thankful didn't have with Aden. the only classes I had with him were my lasts three hours. that were science, history and gym (that I had been skipping)

I sat and carefully paid attention the teacher. I wouldn't let anything distract me that is in till Alec and Seth walked in late.

crap forgot they were in here. they smiled at each other coyly. then walked to the two seats on either side of me.

the teacher carried on with her lesson after giving the boys a glare.

"pssst..." Seth whispered to me.

"hey" he called my name. when I continued to ignore him he began tapping on my arm.

"what" I said finally giving in.

"hi" he said

I rolled my eyes.

"hi" I said turning back to pay attention

"so anything happen between y'all"

"what do you mean" I asked

"I mean you and Aden"

"why would there be anything there, I hate him" I added.

Seth frowned."that's not good"

" look I don't care or even want to know about Aden, and he feels the same way"

"I'm not so sure" Alec said.

"whatever" I said just as Mr. bin the teacher yelled at me to be quite

"you know your the first to ever tick Aden off this much right?" Alec asked totally ignoring Mr. bin

"yeah I've been told" I muttered

"listen were having a party this weekend. and we want you to come" Alec said

"me going to a high class rich party, no thank you" I scoffed at the very idea.

"come on its ganna be fun." Seth putting in his input.

uhh no" 


"no why would you even want me too"

I thought I herd something along the lines of to test something but then Seth cleared his throat.

"just good ole friends"

"what If I don't want to be your friend." I questioned.

"then that would be an out right lie. cuz every one wants be my friend, ain't that right Alec" Seth said flashing me a smile with dimples.

"I wouldn't say everyone" Alec said.

"hey come on you ain't helping me. we're trying to get her to go." he pouted.

I laughed at that because be just looked like a little six year old.

"if I agree, will you leave me alone" I asked..

"yes"Seth instantly agreed. "we're gonna go shopping for you after school" he said.

I panicked I didn't have that kind of money. I didn't have spare money laying around. not a penny.

Alec must have seen my face. and said. "it's ok it's on us"

"what no.. way I'm going to buy anything with your money like  a gold digger."

"relax, we invited you so it's only fair"

"no" I said

"if you don't well kidnap you" Seth said.

"go ahead, you won't do it"

five classes later I was being carried on Alec's back. yeah he proved me wrong.

Chris was laughing his ass off while Seth happily trotted next to us.

the only person missing was Aden.

people gave us funny looks as we passed by. I mean the girl that was the center of bullying being carried on one of the most popular guys back.

"let me go, or I'll kick you so hard your grandchildren won't have children" I yelled.

"how can I have grandchild in the first place  though, if your going  kick me so hard." Alec asked laughing making me shake.

"ugh you know what I mean" I said frustrated.

we all got into Chris's car. well I was forced in.

in just five minutes I was being dragged into a busy shopping mall.

I was pulled into a store that had French name.

"I don't want to be here" I whined.

"to bad because you have to."Chris said putting a hand around me.

he then pulled away and began looking through the racks as did the other boys.

I rolled my eyes at them and waited as they looked around.

a women about my age came up to me. "you must be lost, jcpenny is across the mall" she said.

I blinked a few times. I smiled sweetly at her "and the bitch story is next door, would you like me to point you in the right direction, I'm sure you'll fit right in"

her mouth hung opened for a second.

"look you little-

"Kass come over here, try these on" Chris said.

I smirked as she saw who was calling me over.

in all truth I had warmed up to these boys, I still held a really really big grudge on Aden. but the boys never really did anything.

plus they had apologized about a million times. even told a few people to leave me alone.

the weird thing Aden hadn't been at school.

I snapped out of it as I walked to the boys.

"here" they all said throwing me a bunch of clothes then pushing me into the fitting room.

I sighed as I looked at the heap of clothes.

I slowly reached for the first dress and put it on.


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this is all unedited so I'm sorry for that I'm ganna go back and fix it.once I'm half way through the story or when I have time and not writing


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