chapter six

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The car ride was silent for the most part.

"Where do you live"

She didn't answer.

"If you don't tell me your going to be stuck with me longer, and don't try to lie to me about where you live because I'm staying in till you walk in.

She didn't respond. Instead when we got to the stop light she said "right"

Then after a while "right".

We went on like that in till we reached an old run down neighborhood. The apartments looked old and parts were falling off some of the buildings. The side walks were filled with trash and junk.

"You live here?"

"Not nice enough for you, your majesty." She said sarcastically.

"That's not what I meant.''

"Is your ankle feeling better."

"What do you care.''

" I don't just trying to be polite.''

"Well don't"

"Stop" she suddenly said. I slammed on the brakes

"What. What is it" I said franticly. Trying to see if I ran over anyone.

"I live here" she simply said with smirk for making me worry.

''You really are something"

"I try" she mimicked me.

"Mature" she shrugged her shoulders.

"Can I leave now"

"What are you doing tomorrow?"

"Being any where but near you"

"I'm serious."

"So am I, can I leave now."

"I'll come back tomorrow if you don't tell me"

Her face showed pure shock.

"Why do you want to know so bad.''

I didn't really know. But I felt like being near her. So I came up with a lie.

"I'm free tomorrow and so I thought why the hell why not spend if with you, you should be very great full"

"Not in a million years."


"God first your a jerk to me and now this, if this is because you feel bad for me forget it, I don't need your pity"

"I'm not stupid enough to feel pity for anyone that doesn't deserve it."

"Then leave me alone"

"No, I quite like annoying you. So what are you doing tomorrow"

"I think you should be worried about what's about to happen now"

I was confused for a second before I saw I bunch I guys heading towards my car.

"I was going to kick your ass but I guess I don't have to."

"Like you could''

"We'll see"

The guys got closer. She had a smirk on her face. "You better let me out before they get here."

"I might not like you but I'm not leaving you here now."

She rolled her eyes. "Let me out"

"No" I said. She grunted.

"I'm going to start screaming"

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