chapter two

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Just to let u guys know the point of view changes in the middle of the chapter to Aden's.

A cold gust of wind hit my face as I walked out of Golden gate university. I picked pieces of spit balls out of my red hair. So far true to his word Aden had tried to make me miserable or make my life a living hell more like it.

So far I had been spit on, tripped over everything, had things thrown at me weather it was a spit ball or a text book.

Rich people were cruel. It was my first day and already I hated it.

'Why did I say anything to him in the first place' I thought ' no you did the right thing ' I scolded my self.

I walked all the way to the bus stop and sat and waited for it to come. 

My thoughts wandered to my little brother Justin. He was only ten and yet he already worked a job at the local mart on our side of town.

I was determined to finish school at golden gate university then go to collage and get a good job so then my mother wouldn't have to work so hard and my brother would never have to work again to help with the bills and feed us.

The bus coming to a stop in front of me brought me outbid my thoughts.

I quickly climbed aboard and sat in the very back.

Soon the bus came to a stop again. I stepped of and prepared for the four mile long walk back home.

My feet aced by the time I arrived home.

"Kassy," Justin yelled and ran to me.

I Picked him up in a big bear hug.

"Hey J, how was your day."

"Good, all of my friends are so jealous that your going to golden gate."

I simply nodded. Not telling him that it really wasn't worth being jealous.

"Come j, lets make dinner for mom"


I rubbed my hand over my left arm wincing a little. I now had a bruise there from being pushed into a locker really hard.

"Hey kass" Mike said sitting down next to me.

"Where's your lunch" he asked

"Oh I'm waiting for every one to finish I don't want to go up there with every one"

He had me a a half smile that didn't reach his eyes.

"Here" he slid me his lunch.

"What, no it's ok. I'm just waiting for every one to sit down"

He gave me a weird look. "Wouldn't that just be better for them to do something to you."

Now that I thought about it he was right.

"Dang" I said

He nudged his lunch closer.

"Still it's ok, I'm not even hungry." But just at that moment my stomach growled.

He had an amused look on his face.

"Take it."

I still didn't want to. "You better take it or else." Something made me my not want to find out what 'or else' meant.

I took it and started eating it. It didn't last long though. Someone come up behind me and pushed my face into the steamy food.

I muffled my scream as the hot potatoes burned my skin.

"What the hell" mike yelled. While it tried looking for a napkin. As soon as I spotted one I wiped my face.

"Oh I'm so sorry" a girls voice said sarcastically.

I turned around to see to my surprise the girl I had stood up for the day before.

Mike noticing this too and said " she HELPED you yesterday. Why would you do that"

"No one asked for HER help, because of her I got on Aden's bad side. But I can't be on his bad side if I follow his orders" she smirked

Mike gave her a disgusted look.

"You better do as Aden says or your going to get it again, or did you forget the last time" she hissed at him.

He just shook his head and stomped out in anger. I watched him leave stunned. What happens last time?

"And are going to wish you were never born for getting me on Aden's bad side.'' She pushed me back into the table making me hit my back hard. 

There's another bruise I thought. she stormed off with a satisfied look on her face.

A few seconds later her place was replaced with the one and only Aden.

"You have something in your hair" he smirked pulling corn out of my hair.

"You know all this could end if you just apologized" he said sweetly.

"And like I said before there's no way in hell I would ever do that"

He had a hard look on his face as he grabbed me by my jacket.

"You will apologize sooner or later, no one embarrasses me like that in front of everyone and gets away with it.'' He threw me aside not at all too gently.

His three friends all have me disgusted looks as they walked behind him. I stiffly sat back down in my chair regretting what ever was to come.

Aden's point of view.

"God that girl has some nerve" I stated for the tenth time.

Seth smiled "she's hot though."

I thought so too with her red hair that just brushed past her shoulders and big green eyes. Of course I would never admit it though.

"No she's not she's a broke street rat.''

Chris snickered. "Your just upset because no one has ever defied the great Aden" he said sarcastically.

I have him a hard glare. Mainly because he was right. Every one Always did what I said. No one ever backed talked me or made me this mad.

It irritated me more then I thought possible. I was going to make her pay for it.

"You know I think this is going to be interesting" Seth said.

"And why's that" Alec spoke up for the first time since we'd been outside behind the school by the pond.

"Because I don't think that girl is going to give up so easy."

"Mmm... I don't know we all know how Aden gets when he wants something done." Chris said.

"Yeah but she's just different"

"You mean because she's a beggar." I spat at them.

"She shouldn't even be here even if she won the contest."

I skipped a stone across the pond before getting back up and trying to thank of the perfect plan to make her crack.


Emma :) 

Tell me what u think so far if any one is reading this story

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