Chapter 7: Somewhat Normal School Day

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  [Little bit edited, might have mistakes]

"Wake up (Y/N)," Diane called. "Get ready for school."
I groaned and dragged myself out of bed. "Do I have to go, I will just be tortured by all the other people" Why do I even have to go to school? Why does school had to interrupt my dreams. I sighed as I walked over to my closet and chose an outfit for the day. I wore a (F/C) sweatpants and a (S/F/C) t-shirt. I put a wristband on my wrist and went downstairs for breakfast.

"So what do you want for breakfast, (Y/N)?" Diane asked me as she opened the cupboard. "Do you still have one of those muffins?" I asked back. She nodded her head slightly and opened the fridge and took out a whole bag of the (F/F) muffins. "Yeah, I made a bunch of them, you want one?" she said as she put one in the microwave and pressed the buttons making it beep and for it to turn on. I shrugged and waited for a while until the muffin was done.

The microwave beeped, telling us the muffin is heated up. Diane took it out of the microwave and put it in front of me. I took and bite of it and felt the flavor explode in my mouth. After a little while, I finished the (F/F) muffin and grabbed my things and got ready for school.

"Call me if you need anything okay?" Diane explained. "Alright. ." I replied. My phone went off and I looked to see who texted me.
Jackie- Hey, (Y/N).
(Y/N)- Hi. What's up?
Georgia- the sky
(Y/N)- no. . .just no. . .
Chico- sorry for that lame dad joke (Y/N). Wanna walk to school together?
(Y/N)- okay, sure.
Bonnie- we will meet you at your house

I walked over to the door and opened it and sat down on the porch stairs, waiting patiently and quietly. A car drove up, but it didn't belong to my friends.

  "Hey killer. Need a ride? Oh sorry, I can't cause you are just going to kill me," Jonathan scowled, laughing as she drove up to a puddle that was nearby and the water splashed all over me. He then drove away and had a wide smile on his face. I looked down at my feet and frowned. I heard laughing and talking, so I looked up to see the group walking up to me.

  "Hiya, (Y/N)!" Chico chirped. I waved at him and gave him a weak smile.
"You okay?" Georgia asked. I nodded my head as I looked down at the floor again.
"Let's just go already," I replied as I stood up on my two feet and started walking while the others followed.

  We walked to school together, everyone laughing at Jackie and her pirate accent. She started talking like that all the time ever since she had gotten the dare, and now it's a habit. It was funny, but I wasn't in the mood to laugh. Georgia seemed to notice me and had make me walked slower with her so we were separate from the others.

  "Hey, (Y/N). What's up?" She asked with concern.
"Everything's fine," I answered back to her with a firm tone.
"Look I wanted to apologize for yesterday. It was extremely rude of me to put that kind of pressure on you. If you don't ever want to talk to me ever again, I'm fine with that," Georgia explained as she gave out a smile.

  I quickly stopped and gave her a hug. She seemed surprised but she decided to hug back anyway.
  "It's not that that's bothering me. It's Jonathan," I answered back.
  "I won't ever let him hurt you. Just let me know if they ever give you trouble and I will be by your side immediately."

   I smiled and gave her a kiss on the cheek. She blushed a bright pink as she smiled and hugged me, resting her chin on her head.

   "Let's go catch up with the others," I said, letting go and walking away. She quickly followed. We caught up to everyone else and continued walking to school.

~Le Time Skip~

  First period. Hooray! Not really but I guess it's okay. We were still working in groups so I worked with Bonnie again. We got our work down early and chatted for the rest of class. Everyone gave us weird looks whenever we started to laugh at something, but I didn't mind. It didn't seem to bother me anymore. Everyone was a little less rude, and they didn't bother me. This was strange and I didn't understand why this happened.

『☆』Son Of A Murderer (Female!FNaF X Male!Reader) *Completed* *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now