Chapter 3: New Friends

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I didn't even bother try to look up to see who it was, since everybody does hate me now. . .I just lost hope for any friends. But then I wasn't expecting the person who walked in to give me a hug. . .

"Hey dude, are you okay?", the male asked. He pulled away from the hug and I saw that he was one of the new students.

"Don't worry about me, just leave me alone", I whispered back to him in reply.

"I think I'm too nice to not worry and just leave you alone like that. One of my great friends saw you run through in here and wanted to see if you were okay. My name's Chico by the way" The male, Chico, offered his hand to help me up so I took it and he pulled me up.

He was actually just as tall as me, but he was a tiny bit wider. He stilled looked skinny though. He had short blond hair that was recently trimmed, with unique violet eyes. He wore a medium sleeved shirt that went up to his elbows with a skull shaped design on it, with orange shorts that went a little below the knees and yellow high tops with a tiny duckling on it.

"Seems like the new students have some sort of theme", I mumbled to myself.

I put my hand right in front of the blond, waiting for him to shake my hand. I took a heavy sigh. "I'm (Y/N). . .", I said, hesitantly.

He then shook my hand and then recoiled his hand back. "You seem cool. Maybe we can hang out later", as he let out a nice, but piercing my soul, kind of smile.

"People tend to stay away from me, and anyone I hang out with gets bullied with me. I'd rather advise you to keep a distance away from me"

"Bro, I don't care what other people think. And neither should you"

The bell rang and I just made the both of us late for class. I looked it the mirror and saw my (E/C) eyes were red and swollen. People will definitely know I was crying and then they will tease me and stuff.

"I'm sorry you have to be late for class. Where is your next class anyways?", I asked the blond who was staring at the mirror, doing his hair.

"It's no problem at all. I always go late to class, and I'm going to History", he said as he stared blankly into his schedule. I then looked over his shoulder to see the schedule myself and he was correct, History is the next class.

"We have the same History class. Come on, I'll take you there"

"Awesome", He then picked up his backpack which was a pink cupcake design. I gave a funny look and then snickered slightly. "Hey, not cool, it's my sisters backpack since she lost mine. . .", he said as he punched my shoulder lightly.

I then gave an agreement look and just nodded slightly. We both walked out of the bathroom and through the silent, empty halls. When we got to class, the teacher, Mrs. Garza asked why were we late.

"We're sorry, I got lost in the dumb school and (Y/N) helped me out, I'm Chico by the way", Chico explained and then crossed his arms.

"Alright, I'll let this one slide. Now please take your seats now. And Chico. . .welcome to Watson High" Mrs. Garza greeted. We both took our seats and glanced at each other every once in a while, but the teacher wouldn't notice because either we're that sneaky or she never gets focused at all. After the lesson, we had fifteen minutes before the bell rang and we could do whatever we want. Many people were either taking selfies, playing games on their phone, listening to music or just plain old talking to each other. The teacher was gone so that was even better. . .I think. Chico then walked over to me and we started to get to know each other and then we started to play games on my phone, because talking was too boring. A girl and her dumb posse came over to me and Chico and then just pushed me out of the way, like I was the short one that gets surrounded by all the students, and drowns in them, leaving me to get out of my seat.

"Out of the way murderer, I need to introduce myself to this big hunk of handsome", the girl said sitting on my seat. It was Jessica, the main one in the cheerleading squad and part of the popular group. I don't know why she was part of the cheerleading squad, she has a terrible voice that even a crow's voice can't do worse than her. "I'm Jessica~", she greeted.

"And I'M with a friend. You have no right to just push my friend off his seat. . ." Chico replied back. I then got up from the floor and then brushed off the dust and dirt off my clothes. "Man, the janitors do a lousy job", I thought to myself.

"Actually, I do have the right. You see, your little 'friend' is related to the guy that murdered the five kids at the pizzeria"

"It doesn't mean he's a killer, and that you can treat him with disrespect. He's a human being just like you, not a complete trash bag. He obviously can tell that his dad's actions were wrong. (Y/N) may be related to a murderer of five children, but I'm completely positive that he isn't a killer himself. Has he even killed anybody?"

"N-no. But-"

"Then you can pretty much assume that he isn't a killer stupid", Chico said, getting up from his chair and then grabbing my hand. I then pulled out my tongue in victory. Jessica then got up from my seat and then slapped me in the face. "You're lucky your little friends are here to protect you, killer", she whispered into my ear and then Chico then took my arm forward. We went to two empty desks in the corner so we didn't have to deal with anybody else in the classroom. We then sat down and decided to talk for a bit. No one actually bothered us and, for once in a while, I felt like I actually fit into this school, instead of just an outsider and left alone with no friends.

"So who are your friends?", I asked Chico. "You keep mentioning them a lot"

"Oh they are the other four new students, Bonnie, Jackie, Francine and Georgia". Francine and Georgia are twins, yet we can tell them apart by their color scheme, Jackie acts like the total bad ass, and Bonnie is the guitarist"

"I've already met Jackie and Bonnie. They were pretty interesting to be honest"

"That's awesome. Hey, we all have the same lunch schedule so maybe we should all sit together!", Chico chirped.

"Are you sure?"

"Of course. Honestly, I don't care if your dad's a murderer or not. I only care about you and your awesome personality"

I nodded my head. The bell rang and Chico and I made our way to the cafeteria for lunch. We walked fast so I won't get scowled a lot anymore. Chico paid for my meal and his and went over to a table where Bonnie, Jackie, and two girls, who looked identical, except for their hair and eye color, just like Chico said.

Little did I know that all the popular teens were staring and glaring at me and we definitely planning something bad. . .

Alright well that's another chapter finished, YAY, now I need to write more. . .NOO. . . okay well it's been a while since I updated a book really, because well I was in Houston and I also have fat fingers so it's hard to write on my very small phone =^= alright well that's all I have to say and I'm going to bee seeing you later. . .BAII

『☆』Son Of A Murderer (Female!FNaF X Male!Reader) *Completed* *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now