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🌸Katrina's POV🌸

It took us (and by us I mean mostly me because Vincent is an incompetent boob who knows nothing of cleaning) 3 hours, but the kitchen was finally clean. I was proud of myself! I had never cleaned such a dirty area in that short a time. Yes, I am aware 3 hours isn't a short time but if you'd seen it before and after, you'd be surprised it only took three hours.

Either way, I was finally ready to make breakfast!

I reach and dig around in his fridge until I find a few things I could use my "mad cooking skillz" to turn into (quote on quote) "food".

I swear I'm becoming less of a hostage and more of a maid.

While digging around I found:

• Three eggs (all in different quadrants of the fridge might I add)

• A couple of pieces of what I could only assume was bacon

• Some bread for toast

• A bag of microwave grits

Those were at least the breakfasty things I found. You don't even wanna know some of the non-food related things I found...echh.

I started to prepare the food as I would do for myself or at Fazbear's place. Even though I was a waitress there, sometimes when one of the chefs weren't able to come in, I would sub for them. Apparently boss thought I was a good enough cook.

Anyways, back to what I was saying before. I popped two pieces of bread in the toaster and cracked the three eggs into a bowl. I look in the fridge for some cheese but don't see the kind I usually use for eggs.

"Hey Vincent. Any chance you could take me to the store to get some stuff for breakfast?" I asked, hope filling my words.

"Not a chance," he replied; putting his feet up on the table.

"I thought not."

I begin to rummage some more when I find some American cheese. Not exactly what I was hoping for but it'd work.

I tear it up and throw it into the beaten eggs. I add a little salt and pepper and grab a two skillets out. I turned the eye on and add butter to the pan. I let it sizzle for a second before I pour the eggs in. After they cook for a minute I start to stir them around. This gets me thinking, 'What's been up with him lately? He's been acting different...I mean, I haven't known him that long but it doesn't appear that he normally acts like this...I don't like it...'

"Hey Vincent?"


"I still don't think you're a bad guy."

He didn't respond.


I had prepared all the food and it was ready to eat. Vincent still hadn't said anything since earlier and I was a little worried I had pissed him off or something. I walk over to him and sit his plate in front of him. I sit my plate across from him and take a seat, watching him as he picks up his fork to start eating. I stare at him and lean my head on my arm.

"You know, you don't have to be like this Vincent...I think there's good in you somewhe-"

"Oh, just shut up!" he yells, standing up. "That positive bullshit of yours doesn't work on me!"

I let out a small chuckle.

"It'll get to you eventually."

I pick up a piece of bacon and violently bite it to prove a point.

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