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🌸Katrina's POV🌸

It started out as any other day. I woke up with the sun beating directly in my eyes. I look over at my alarm clock to see it was 6:30. I needed to get ready for work. I sat up, went over to my closet and grabbed my Freddy Fazbear shirt and a pair of black skinny jeans. I put the clothes on and then headed into my bathroom to brush my teeth and hair, not bothering to take a shower.

By the time I was finish it was almost time for work. I quickly left my house and began to walk to work. I needed the exercise and it was only a couple minutes away.

"I wish it was raining." I thought as I walked into the Fazbear parking lot. I am generally a happy person but my favorite weather had always been rain. It was just so soothing.

There were only a few cars in the parking lot, belonging to employees...although there was one car I did not recognize. It kind of looked like Dean's car from Supernatural but red. I looked over the car in confusion. We weren't open yet so it couldn't be a customer. I stared at it a bit before brushing it off and headed in.

"Hey Katrina!" I was greeted by my good friend Mike. "What are you doing here?" I ask, "You only work nightshifts." He smiled at me, "I know, but I kinda wanted to see some of my friends from work, other than the creepo's on stage." He said, pointing towards the main stage. I laughed at that. "It's good to see you for like, once in forever but I gotta get to the kitchen." I stated giving him a hug. "Yeah I gotta leave anyway. I've got an appointment with my girlfriend Doll and it not exactly a check up is you know what I mean." He said, sending me an evil smile and waggling his eyebrows. "Ew! Idiot!" I say laughing. "See ya Mike!" He waved to me as he exited the door and hopped in his car.

It was cool seeing him. The only times I ever really even got to talk to him were right around closing time when he was coming in and I was leaving. I was snatched from my thought as I heard the boss call my name from the kitchen. "COMING!" I replied as I headed straight in.


It was towards the end of the day around closing. I had been waiting on a table when I noticed something odd. Over towards the main stage was a man in one of the suits playing with several young children. "Come to the back for a SPECIAL surprise!" He said, leading the children into the back room that only employees knew of.

I furrowed my brow and ask the people at the table to excuse me as I followed the man and children to the back room. I didn't want to make it to obvious so I looked in from a small crack in the door. I saw the man take off his suit and grab two of the children, tying them up. I gasp quietly, trying hard not to get his attention. The other three children sit and watched in horror, to terrified to move. Once done tying them up, he went over to the other three and did the same to them. I was so scared. I tried to move away from the door but some how made it creak open just a tiny but more. He must have heard because he turned and looked directly at me. My eyes widened and I was stricken with fear.

"Please don't let me die," I thought, "please don't let me die!"

He approached me quickly and grabbed me before I could get away. "Looky what we have here," he said grinning and looking into my fear filled eyes. "Looks like we got a spectator. Hope you enjoy the show!"He then dragged me to the corner of the room and kicked me in the stomach. I winced in pain as he tied my arms together tightly, making it so I couldn't move.

He then walked over to the first child. He kneeled down in front of then and said "goodbye," sweetly with a smile on his face. He then slit the child's throat. One by one he killed every child while all I could do was cry and watch in horror. Then he made his way towards me. "Please don't kill me! Please don't kill me! Please don't kill meeee!" I said weeping uncontrollably. I got down on my level and smiled. "Oh please. I'm not gonna kill you. Not if I don't have to," he said, holding the knife under my chin.

"Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to make due with the small time gap I have to dispose of these bodies." He began to leave but stopped in his tracks. "OH WAIT," he said. He turned back around and came towards me. He then reached in my back pocket and took out my phone. "Thank you!" He smiled And with that, he took one of the children's bodies and left in the direction of the main stage. He came back a minute later doing the same to the rest of the children. When he finished, there was blood all over his hands as he approached me. "Now, you're coming with me." He said, picking me up and carrying me towards the exit. I tried struggling our of his grip but it was no use. He carried me towards the car I had seen in the parking lot that morning and everything started to make sense.

He put me in the passenger seat and just as I was about to say something, he put a piece of clothe over my mouth. I felt very dizzy and then I passed out.


So, whaddya think??? Pleas vote if you liked it so I can know you want me to continue. If you hadn't noticed, this is a Fnaf fan fiction and I like it so far so if you want more, let me know by voting! Also, I do read and appreciate comments so don't be scared to leave em! (Please leave comments. I love reading them!)

Anyway, tell me what you think!

Love you guys!


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