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🌸Katrina's POV🌸

When I woke up, I was back in the basement. I didn't know what time it was because the basement didn't have any windows, but I guessed it was around 9 AM. I looked around and saw there was what looked like some sort of oatmeal next to me.

It did NOT look good.

I use my non-hand cuffed hand to pick up the bowl and sniff it.

Horrible mistake.

I nearly threw up at the smell. It was like rotten apples mixed with baby food and breadcrumbs all in one bowl...AND IT SMELLED LIKE CRAB MEAT!

"No way I'm eating this!" I say as I push the bowl aside.

Just then, I see the basement door open and Vincent step down from the light upstairs.

"Sorry, I suck at cooking." He stated. He must have noticed the pushed aside bowl and disgusted look on my face. Speaking of which, I couldn't see much of his face but from what I could see, he looked kind of...upset?

'Wonder what's wrong with him...'

"Oh...um, it's okay....you know, maybe I could make breakfast?" From the little I could see of his face I could tell he was pondering.

"Sure. Why the hell not...but if this is a weak attempt to get free then you are greatly mistaken!"

I hadn't even thought about trying to get out...why wouldn't be the first thing that comes to my head? I mean, he murdered five kids right in front of my eyes...so why is it that I'm not immediately compelled to leave...

I was broken from my thought by the hand cuffs being unlocked, Vincent quickly and firmly grasping my wrist and dragging me up the steps. I followed behind, eager to see some form of natural light and some fresh air!

Unfortunately, in place of fresh air, I smell crab oatmeal.

'Sweet baby Jesus...'

The first thing I see when we go up the stairs is the kitchen.


There were dishes stacked to the ceiling and everything looked so dirty.

My eyes widened in shock and I yanked my hand away from Vincent. He turned around and stared at me hard...I guess he thought I was trying to get away.


He seemed very surprised that THAT was the reason I pulled away from him. He then put his head down and stared at the floor.

"UGH! You're lucky I enjoy cleaning! Go grab the mop, a wash cloth and some dish soap. I refuse to cook in such conditions!"

He raised his eyebrow at me. "Um...I can't just leave you here. You're my hostage remember?"

"Oh yeah. Well then, show me where your cleaning stuff is."

He shrugged his shoulders then began to lead me towards a small pantry across the kitchen. When he opened it there were dried up grey sponges, a mop that probably has some sort of insect colony living in it, and an old soap container that looks like it hadn't been used in years.

"How is it that your cleaning supplies are dirty? No, seriously, I want to know. How does this even happen?!"

"I 'on't know." he shrugged his shoulders at me.

I sigh and then grab the extremely dehydrated mop. "Vincent you are unbelievable."

He rolled his eyes at me. "Right. Because you're TOTALLY the first person to ever say that."

He seemed a lot less enthusiastic and happy than he normally was. In fact, he was acting like a little bit of a douche but I decided to brush it off, thinking that he was just one of those people who has mood swings like a hormonal teenager on her period. I hand him a bucket and point in the direction I assumed the front door was in. "Go outside and fill that bucket with water so we can mop."

"Why would I use the hose when I could fill it up inside?"

"That'll take to fucking long just do what I say!"

"UGH! Fine MOM!"

I hear his foot step leading away from me as I dig around for more cleaning stuff. I then hear the front door close telling me he left.

"I wonder why he's being so rude today..."

I hear him come back in the house about a minute later. I turn around to see him standing there with the bucket of water.

"Thanks Vinny!" I smile then take the bucket and squirt some soap in it. I mix that around, place the mop and wash cloth in it and hand it to Vincent. He looked at me puzzled for a moment before speaking.

"What am I supposed to do with this?"



"Yes Mop. Did I stutter?"

"No I just...I'm not used to manual labor...I grew up with rich parents."

"First of all, get used to manual labor. I may be your hostage but I refuse to do all the work around here. Secondly, Awe! I'm glad you're opening up enough to tell me about your family!"

He hardened his gaze on me and started to glare a bit.

"First of all, I'm holding you hostage. You do whatever the fuck I tell you. Second, I wasn't telling you about my family I was just stating they were rich!"

I blow off his first comment. "Suuuure you were."

He rolled his eyes at me and began to move the mop around on the floor in an awkward and unruly manner. It was like watching a little kid trying to stick a cube block into the circle hole.

You'd be surprised how much I'd seen that happen.

"VINCENT YOU ARE TERRIBLE." I walk over to him and snatch the mop from him. "Like this numbskull!" I begin to mop the floor as he watches carefully, trying to figure out how I did such wizardry.

"This is gonna take a while."

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