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🌸Katrina's POV🌸

When I woke up, I was in a dark room. My arm was handcuffed to a pipe on the wall and I could barely see anything. I had no clue where I was or what was happening, then all the memories flooded back in. The Car, the man, the children, the blood, all of it. I remember him grabbing me and chloroforming me. All the horrible things that man did. Just then, I saw a light come from the top corner of the room. Then I saw him step down into what I assumed was his basement.

"Oh good! You're awake!" He said cheerfully smiling at me. "WHO ARE YOU AND WHAT THE HELL DO YOU WANT WITH ME!?" I yelled. "Woah. Easy there...Katrina," He said, reading my name tag.


"Okay," he shrugged. "The name's Vincent. Pleasure to meet ya! You see Kat, you saw me murder those children correct? That means you have evidence proving I killed them and that you could tell the cops. I don't need the cops knowing about this, and frankly, that would make things pretty messy. So that is why I'm keeping you here in my basement."

"Please let me go!" I pleaded through tears. "I promise I won't tell ANYONE!" He stepped forward and moved the hair out of my face. "I'm afraid I can't do that sweet cheeks." He was about to go back upstairs when I stopped him. "Wait!" He turned to look at me with a puzzled face. "I just have one question." I hesitated before asking it. "...why? I always thought there was some good in all of us and even though I just saw you kill five people, children none the less, I still think there's a tiny part of you that regrets it....I don't think you're all bad...."

💀Vincent's POV💀

"Goddamn it!" I thought as I paced around in my room. "This girl wasn't apart of the plan! She's probably gonna mess up eveything! Now I have to keep her here and I don't want to kill her! What am I gonna do! I can't keep her in the basement for ever." I sighed and sat down on my bed.

"Calm yourself Vincent," I thought. "You're gonna work this out. Everything's gonna be fine and dandy and you won't have to worry about this girl screwing things up." I sigh once again and fall back on my bed. I somehow felt...bad? I didn't know why. "How could I possibly feel bad for this one girl when I just ruthlessly murdered five children without even caring?" My mind was running wild and I felt like punching something. I looked over and saw it had started to gently rain. Seeing the rain fall by my window made me feel slightly better...rain was always my favorite.

Just then I heard a small buzz come from my dresser. I glanced up at it to see it was her phone. I walked over and picked it up seeing what the notification was.

From Mike:
What's up? Just checkin in on you. Night shift's boring as usual...

I couldn't believe it. "My old pal Mike was friend with Katrina," I thought. "Maybe I should pay him a little visit.


Yes, I know it was short. Deal with it. I really like it...hell, maybe even love it! Hope you enjoyed it too :)

(Ps: do you have any idea how bad I wanted to put "WHAT ARE THOSE" when she said I have on question XD )


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