The News

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"Kinze" yelled Mrs. Andrews. I look up at the teacher standing in front of me "sorry could you repeat that?", I asked looking up at her with a smirk."Kinze what is possibilism?", Mrs.Andrews repeats. "Good question, possibilism is the idea that the physical environment may set limits on human actions, but people have the ability to adjust to the physical environment and choose a course of action from many alternatives." I say as I lean back in my chair smiling at her. Mrs.Andrews must have not liked that I easily answered her question, she turned red in the face. "Kinze" she yelled, " I know I know go to Headmistress' office" I say mockingly.
I grabbed my binder, unplugged my charger put both my phone and charger in my purse. I got up heading for the door, drop a note on my best friend Jorge's desk. I walked down the corridors to the headmistress's office in silence. When I finally reached her office I walked in and seat in her big spiny chair, and put my feet up on the desk. The door soon opens in walks a tall blonde woman I know all to well, my foster mom, Headmistress Lilly Walker. "Hey mama Lilly" I say catching her attention. Lilly looks over at me and smiles. The smile was short lived " Kinz baby what did you do this time?" Lilly asked. " nothing really I just zoned out and Andrews got mad when I asked her to repeat what she asked, then when I answered her she got even madder, and sent me here." I rushed out, Lilly just looked at me like I had grown a second head. "Is that it?", she asked, "Yes", Lilly then broke in to a fit of laughter.
Lilly's phone then started ringing, she picked it up answering it, I caught a glimpse of the caller ID, it was Rissa my social worker. I wonder what she wants? "Hello Lilly speaking...... How many? And what gender?....... No it doesn't make a difference I just need to know so I can prepare!....... 13 boys? That's a lot, can't they be separated?......... They're brothers oh okay then, yes I'll take them." With that Lilly hung up her phone, and turned towards me now looking tired.
"What did Rissa want?" I asked. "While Kinze, Rissa called to let me know that I will be gaining 13 new foster kids", Lilly states. "Really are they girls?", I asked. "No they are all boys and are going to soon be your foster brothers.", she states.
The bell then rang, I got up and went to my locker. I can't believe that I'm gain 13 brothers this is so awesome! I opened my locker put my notebook up, grabbed my letterman jacket. That's right I'm a freshman and I've already lettered, in a sport, and not just any sport but in football, me being the only girl on the team. I closed my locker and was met by Jorge. "Hey what are you doing after school?" he asked.
"I don't know, I think that mom has made us plans.""Really did you get in trouble?"
"You already know the answer, but mom did get a call from Rissa"
"Oh really what did she want?"
" I have 13 brothers" I stated looking away from him, over to Sarra White captain of the dance team. She was talking to her group of fake blonde friends, she kept looking over at me and Jorge. When I told Jorge that I'm getting 13 brothers she glares at me, and started walking this way.
"Well if it is miss headmistress's daughter?"
"What do you want?"
"Well I couldn't help but over hear that you are getting new brothers, so what your gonna let your true self show now slut?"
" I don't know what your implying"

"Well they won't be blood and the whole school already knows your a slut, and whore."
"What ever I don't have time for these childish games. I have better things to do, I'll see you later." With that I walked out the door with Jorge by my side. We went to Jorge's Dodge Dakota pick up truck, got in and started driving to Jorge's house. A few minutes later I got a text fro Lilly reading
"I need you to go pick up the boys' bed from Sleep Comfort mattress store on you way home please. "
I sighed and asked Jorge to turn around and head to the mattress store to pick their beds up.
"Sure Kinz " With that we drove in silent for a while.

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