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Roc: Yn, are you coming back home?

Yn: Not today...I'm actually staying at my friend Brittany place, she was my roommate in med school.

Roc: Oh ok. Cool text me when you coming back then.

Yn: sure thing *hugs him*

Corahn: wait yn can we talk?

Roc: whatever you need to say can't be said in front of her boyfriend ? *glares at him*

Corahn: nah man its not like that, I wanna speak with both yall...well all yall.

Yn: ok well the others are behind us so I can tell them to pull over at Brittany's place.

Corahn: alright

Yn: Hey yall! Pull over at the apartments on your left, Corahn wants to talk to us

Toi: Alright, I'll tell the others

Yn: okay!

They get to the apartments and get out the car

Corahn: well first and foremost I wanted to apologize to Yn for putting my hands on you, I guess I just felt yall were against Erin and second I wanted to ask for a second chance because I really have no where else to go..

Yn: well... I forgive you, you are a really close friend to me and I love my god daughter Malaszha.

Toi: yeah, she's just the cutest, we couldn't do that to her or you.

Roc: true, that's my god daughter too man.

Ray; agreed. Just don't put ya hands on the bestie ever again *laughs*

Corahn: lesson learned *laughs*

Craig: so whose apartments are these? & why we here ? *laughing*

Yn: these are my friend Britt apartments I met her at med school, I'm staying the night.

T: is it safe ?

Yn: *laughs* of course!

Shanti: we just gotta make sure. So see you tomorrow?
* Britt walks out on her patio *

Britt: Hey Yn! *waving*

Yn: *looks up* Hey Britt! Come down, I want you to meet *looks at them* alot of people! *laughs*

Them: *laughs*

Britt: Ok! Give me a second!

Corahn: she cute

Yn: oh don't even think about it haha

Corahn: ha very funny

Britt: Hey Yn

Yn: Hey Britt! Ok so this is my boyfriend Roc, then there's Craig, Ray, Darius, T, Toi, Bahja, Shanti, little miss Malaszha and Corahn

Britt : wow that's alot of people, nice to mee you all! And you are so cute missy !

Corahn : oh yeah she gets that from her d--
Yn; her lovely god mother, yours truly!
Corahn : *laughs* nah nice to meet you ma
Britt: you too *blushes *

Yn: ok well we're gonna get going, love you all so much *kisses roc*

Roc: love you too ft me tonight I got something to tell you

Yn: I didn't forget roc jeesh

Shanti : goals * laughs * love you sis

Toi : nice to meet you Britt

Britt : you too * smiles *

They all go there separate ways

Back at the house

Darius: she seems kind of weird, don't yall think?
Corahn: she fine man
Ray: she is !!
Toi: excuse me?
Ray: nah I was playin babe
Toi: yeah I thought so

T: * laughs * why you think she weird?
Darius: idk she just got that look she could be cool though never know

Bahja: true so what do we have going on tonight ?? I am so hungry!!

*ding dong*

E/B looks at the door

Bahja: umm I'll get it...
Darius: definitely going with you..
* they open the door only to see Zonnique & Bre *

Bahja : what are yall doing here ? How'd you find us anyways ?

Toi: whose there? *walks up and stops* didn't I say last time if I see them anyway no talking ??

Bre: girl still being a hoodrat ugh Nique why are we even here ?

Toi : I see you still got that hoodrat word in ya mouth you wanna get it knocked out ?

T: yo, calm down Toi, why yall here ?

Nique: where's Yn ?? She's in danger now...
Is she with a girl name Britt?

Chres: wtf how did yall know that?

Nique: she does business with Jacob..and Jacob sent Britt after Yn...

Shanti: I'm so tired of this bs, get my Mf keys

Chres: and I'm coming with you and I'm killing that mf

Nique: wait guys!!! They have so many people that's security! !!

Bre: ugh why did you even come and tell them your a trader!!

Nique: bitch shut up!!

Bre: *laughs * I love you

T: Ok bye thanks guys but yall can leave now

Bre: we didn't want to be here anyways *rolls eyes *

T: ok roll ya eyes again lil mama and see what's gone happy

Craig: thanks guys bye now!!

Bre : damn you fine !!!

Darius; ohh shit now

T: lil girl get off my steps for I have to do it for you and I'm not tryna step out my character for yo lil ass.

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