Chapter 9

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Kayla's P.O.V.

I laid in my bed with a hand on my lower abdomen. My stomach was beginning to get bigger. I looked out the window and it was still dark, probably about four o'clock. I decided to go back to sleep.

In my dream, I held a child in my arms, a little girl with very dark brown hair. She had her arms around my neck. She may have been about three years old. Gerard was standing behind me and he looked sad. "Mommy, did Not-Daddy hurt you again?" the girl asked.

"No baby," I said. "Not-Daddy didn't hurt me," I lied.

"Mommy, don't lie. It isn't good to lie." Suddenly, Ethan burst into the room. " Not-Daddy, don't hit Mommy!" The girl ran to Ethan and slapped at his legs.

Ethan kicked the girl out of his way and she hit the ground with a thud and started crying. "Oh my God Kayla shut that little bitch up!"

"You hit a little girl Ethan!" Gerard said. "Do you know how low that is? Even for you!"

"Did I ask your opinion? You know what, get out of my house!"

I looked down and saw a wedding ring on my left ring finger as I ran to the girl. I saw a ring on Ethan's too.

Before I could help the girl up, Ethan pulled me to my feet and grabbed my breasts before kissing my neck roughly. I felt a bulge pressing against my waist. He began taking my clothes off and I realized, Gerard and the girl are still in the room.

I broke away and told him we should go into a different room, but then he got the craziest look in his diabolical green eyes, and reared back his fist.

Then I woke up.

Gerard was sitting beside me, cross-legged on the bed looking worried. "Bad dream?"

I nodded. "Yeah." I sat up so I was eye level with him.

"You got a call from Ethan. And a text."

"im going 2 SE come w/ me ily"

"Are you going? If you are please don't drink this-"

"I'm not going. I gotta pee, get up."

"You aren't going?" he said happily as he stood up, allowing me to stand up.

"Nope." I walked to the bathroom.

"You want me to call and tell him?"

"Why?" I said, about to shut the door.

"Can I please tell him?"

"Sure whatever." I shut the door and heard Gerard's excited mischievous cackle on the other side.

After I peed, when I was washing my hands I heard Gerard shouting clearly, presumably into the phone, "FUCK YOU ASSHOLE SHE'S DONE WITH YOU! SUCK IT BITCH! KILL YOURSELF!" I walked out of the bathroom and back to my room and saw Gerard grinning at my phone. "So I told him," he said nonchalantly. I giggled and shook my head as I hugged him. "Now the baby won't have anything to worry about." He reached towards my stomach then looked at me. I nodded my approval and I felt his warm hand on my lower abdomen. He smiled. "It's so hard to believe that's our baby."

That hit me like a sledgehammer in the face. Our baby. I'm having a baby with my best friend. Imagine being that kid, it's parents aren't married, not even dating. Just friends. I couldn't do that. I didn't want that for our baby, and I didn't want that for us. I had to do something. "Listen, Gerard-"

"Hold on, Kayla, I love you. And you love me. We're having a baby together. I think this is an act of God that we need to be together." I giggled awkwardly. "I'm serious. I am completely serious. I am not kidding."


"Will you marry me?"


"You heard me."

Tears filled my eyes. I'm getting sick of these pregnancy hormones. "Yes! Of course I will you stupid idiot!" I flung my arms around him and kissed him with all I had.

I immediately called my mom and Gerard said he was going to tell Taylor and Mikey, Frank, and Ray. "Hi Kayla! How's the baby?"

"It's great Mom, guess what!"


"Gerard and I are getting married!"

"Oh honey."

"What's wrong?"

"You just got out of a relationship and you're going to rush into a marriage with your friend? And Taylor's told me you're thinking of dropping out of college! What are you thinking?"

"Mom, Gerard and I love each other. And we're having a baby together. I don't think I'm rushing into anything. And between Gerard's alcoholism and the baby, I need to skip classes. So it might be better if I drop."

"No, I'm paying for your tuition. You are going to go through college and you're going to like it!"

"You aren't paying tuition Mom. I got a full ride."

"All the more reason to stay in school!"

I decided to change the subject. "So I'm going to another ultrasound today. I might find out the sex."

"Oh that's wonderful sweetie! Tell me when you find out okay?" I heard Jeff say something in the back. "I'll be right there. I gotta go. I love you Laya."

"Love you too Mom."

I walked into the kitchen to find something to eat. "Hey Laya," Gerard said cheerfully. "What time is the ultrasound today?"

"Noon." I rummaged through the fridge. I finally found a sprite and I grabbed a few sugar cookies from the jar.

I also reached for my pack of cigarettes, then Gerard put his hand on mine. "No smoking. You don't want to jeopardize the baby's life."

"Then stop drinking. Don't forget our deal."

"You're pregnant. I'll stop drinking when you put a baby in me."

I have no idea how I'll make it nine months.

At 11:45 we climbed into the car and sped to the clinic. At a stoplight, we sat waiting behind at least sixteen cars. All of a sudden Gerard started jumping in his seat. "Are you excited? I'm excited!"

I leaned over and kissed his cheek. "I am too."

When we got to the clinic, I asked Gerard to sign in for me while I peed again. I have been peeing a lot lately. After I walked out of the restroom, Gerard grabbed me by the wrist. "C'mon, she called you already!" And we rushed to the back.

When the ultrasound was displayed on the screen, Gerard said "Is that our baby?"

"Are you gonna ask that every time we're here?" I asked. "Yes, that's our baby."

"Now, would you like to know the sex?"

"Yes!" Gerard exclaimed. "No! Maybe, yes! No! No, maybe. Maybe. No. Definitely not. Yes! Yes. I mean, maybe."

"Sure," I said.

"Wait, no! Actually, yes. Maybe."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. No, I'm not! Yes. Maybe. No!"

I slapped my hand over his mouth. "Positive."

"It's a girl."

"We're having a baby girl?" Gerard said. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed me. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him back. "We're having a baby girl!"

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