Chapter 7

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So I don't know what happened, but for a while I couldn't save stories when on my computer. I had to change the format because I had to write it on my phone and it was hard to make it look good and pretty. You may have noticed. It went from being full of double spaces and indentions to being ugly with no spaces in between paragraphs and no indentions. Anyway my computer decided to stop being a jackass, dick-face, shithead, fucktard, or any other swear/insult I could possibly imagine. And I can imagine a lot more, but I need to get started with the story. So here's the new pretty looking chapter. Luvya, Hales.

Kayla's P.O.V.

I pulled up to the driveway of my mom's house. Jeff was home, I saw his goddam hummer. I turned off the car and walked inside. I didn't make an entrance because I didn't want to deal with Jeff. I stepped in the kitchen and saw mom washing the dishes. I heard a curse from the livingroom and knew it was Jeff watching the game.


She turned around and she had a black eye. "Kayla? What happened sweetie?" I guess she was referencing my own black eye. I looked at my reflection in my phone. It's gotten better. A little.

"Don't worry about it. Did Jeff do that?"

"Taylor's in her room. She's packed up and ready to go."

I sighed. "Okay." I walked upstairs and into Taylor's room.

"Laya!" she yelled. She pulled me into a bear hug.

"Shh, are you ready to go?"

"Yep." She got her stuff and followed me out. I happened to catch a glance of her neck at the perfect time as something people peeked out from under her shirt.

I stopped walking. I pulled the shirt back, revealing a bruise that is all too familiar to me, which I hate to admit. But it's true. "Is this a hickey?"


"I know you're lying to me. Who gave you this?"

She glanced towards the livingroom. I stormed into the livingroom and Jeff looked up at me with angry eyes. "What the Hell are you doing in my house?"

"This is my mom's goddam house, asshole!"

"What'd you say bitch?"

"Mom, you and Taylor get in the car."

"No, Kayla. Whatever you're planning, stop," Mom said. Taylor ran out to the car with her stuff.

I darted to Jeff before he could do anything and punched him in the eye. He swung a fist and I tried to jump out of the way. It clipped my ribcage and sent me spinning.
Damn my small frame!

I stood back up and punched him in the throat. He clutched it and I kicked him in the balls. He doubled over. Got that bastard now.

I uppercut him, and it affected him none. He just stood back up. He punched me in the chest. I hit the ground and just lay there, trying to catch my breath. I tried to push off the ground, but I felt a sharp jolt in my side as I flew a few feet. That dirty bastard kicked me while I was down. He continued to kick me until he had me against the wall. He just kept kicking me into the wall.

He walked away and after a split second of preparing myself, I jumped up. He turned around and I swiftly kicked a foot behind his leg. I pushed his head back and he fell to the floor. Dumbass.

He jumped back up and punched me in the shoulder, spinning me around. He punched my spine with the brute force of a bull. Before I could hit the floor, he grabbed Gerard's scarf and tightened it. I clawed at my neck until he let me go, I hit the floor with a thud.

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