Chapter 8

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Gerard's P.O.V.

We were naked, sweaty, panting like dogs, and tangled in the sheets and each other's legs when Taylor knocked on the door. "Hey, you've been in there for a few hours, you alright?"

I quickly shoved my legs through my pants and put on my shirt before shoving Kayla in my closet and opening the door. I wasn't even wearing underwear. It was so uncomfortable. "Yeah, why?" I said breathlessly.

She looked around my room with a confused look in her face. "Are you- were you just banging my sister?"

"Why now, of course not! Why would you accuse me of such a heinous act?"

"You know, you have a thing too. You start using really complicated sentences. You're lying to me, you were nailing my sis!"

"Okay, fine, I had sex with your sister."

Instead of the hostility I expected, she held her hand up. "About time you two did it! High five!" I reluctantly gave her a high five. "So when's the wedding?" she teased.

"We're not getting married, alright? I don't even think we're moving past 'Just Friends.'"

"Oh, that's a shame. I'm so sorry, bring it in," she said and hugged me.

"'Sorry?' Why 'sorry?'"

"You obviously have feelings for her."

"Is it that obvious?"

"Yes, it is."

"God. Damn. What is wrong with your closet, it smells like sweat and death!" Kayla stumbled out of my closet, thank God she had put her clothes on first.

"Sorry Kayla."

I felt a thumb jabbing my thigh. I turned towards Taylor and she said "Talk to her. Go on," she lightly pushed me towards Kayla.

To spare the awkward, humiliating, depressing details, I won't explain what was said. All I will say is that we had the talk, and we're staying friends. Even though we both love each other, it wouldn't work out. Apparently, we don't want to ruin our friendship and we totally feel the same way (sarcasm). So, there's our talk.

I still don't understand why we can't be together.

After our talk, I left. I don't know where I was going. I was just going. After about an hour of driving around the town and fighting back tears, I called Ray. "Hey Gerard. What's up?"

"Sup Ray. I need to talk. How about I swing by and we can go to Speakeasy? Maybe pick up Frank too?"

"Man, are you sure? Shouldn't you be in bed?" He was trying to keep me from drinking. That bastard!

"Dude, I'm fine, can we just talk?"

A sigh from the other end. " Fine, but we're taking a cab."

"Understandable. I'll be there in five."

Again, I will spare the humiliating details. I will say that I got wasted, cried for about five minutes, and threw up for roughly ten minutes.

My phone vibrated. "Yeah?" I answered.

"Hey Gerard!" Mikey said. "Guess what! That's what! No for real, Shannon said yes!"

"That's great bro." I paused to throw up again.

"Thanks bro. You okay?"

"Not really. I just threw up for about ten, fifteen maybe minutes. I'm not really doing so well."

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