I'm Upset

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Okay literally Wendy is the stupidest bitch I've ever had to witness. I just got done watching Peter Pan and I have some things to say about it. Who would ever, in a million years, choose to leave Neverland? Like what? I get that good old Walt was trying to teach us that we eventually have to grow up and that having a mother is important and shit but who gives a fuck? Like seriously, if I wanted to watch a movie with a true to life moral I would have watched Batman, not a Disney movie. Disney's job was to create a magical world where no one ever had to grow up and where we can all live happily ever after. Now, you'd have to be a fool to believe that any of it was real. But knowing that there is no place like that and that you don't live happily ever after, wouldn't he have made a character smart enough to make the bold and, might I add, the right decision to stay? No! Instead he makes it even worse and makes Peter Pan, the heart and soul of childhood and Neverland, to escort Wendy to her home back in London. She talks about how she should go back to her mother but goddamn, not every mother is as fucking perfect as yours! Walt Disney should have known, coming from hard beginnings, that the world is cruel and is nothing like a Disney movie. He should have known that some children despise their mothers and that their mother's don't love them. He should have taken into consideration all of the children out there who don't have mother's at all and could never relate to Wendy's love for her mother. It's stupid and quite naive to believe that everyone's life is so perfect. Well, Walt, you shouldn't have taken a perfect little girl and for no good reason let her go to Neverland. And for what? All she did was want to go back. And another thing. Wendy didn't even fucking like it in Neverland. She didn't like the violent pirates, she didn't like Tinker Bell, she didn't like the Indians or Tiger Lily, she didn't like the Mermaids, grant it they tried to drown her but that's not important, and she couldn't except the lifestyle of the lost boys. She wanted them all to grow up and go back to their mothers when not everyone wants to do such things. The story as a whole would have been a great one without Wendy in the picture. AND THEN THERE WAS THE SECOND MOVIE! Which absolutely fucking killed me. I'll have you know that I fucking bawled my eyes out when Peter saw Wendy as an adult. She could have stayed with him forever. She could have been happy forever and not had to worry about her husband going off to war and her daughter hating her. She stupid and should have stay and I'm pissed off and I'm going to bed now.


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