Oh Come On!

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"Yovanna...please open the door." I pleaded yet again for maybe the hundredth time but she refused to open it.

Since that stupid ass Jasper went ahead and caused a scene at the bus stop and basically slapped Yovanna in the face with the news of us being mates and now she is not speaking to me.

I don't blame her, I'd be upset if the person I loved found their soul mat- NO! He isn't my soul mate. Jasper is an arrogant ass fuck boy.

"Yovanna!" I yelled and banged on the bathroom door.

God, she really isn't coming out of there.

"How long have you known?" I heard her quietly ask me through a mind link.

Lying certainly wouldn't help this anymore and I was never the type to lie to her in our relationship.

"A few days now." I replied back and suddenly the bathroom door swung open and Yovanna's hand came into contact with my cheek, making my head spin to the side and my face sting.

"You've known and you didn't say Shīt to me Synn! I told you when I found my mate the same minute I did. Why? Because we don't hide anything from each other. But here you are, keeping the biggest news of any Wolf's life from me and I didn't even find out from you! Just leave me alone." She said with red puffy eyes a quivering lip then slammed the door in my face yet again.

I stood there holding my cheek, and absolutely dumbfounded. She was right. We hid nothing from one another and I did exactly what we promised we wouldn't do. In my mind, I felt like I was protecting her but I guess I should of looked at this from her point of view before doing this.

I decided to give her her alone time and let her calm down.
Heading downstairs, I noticed my parents and Simon weren't back yet. They left when I came back with a pissed off Yovanna and they knew that when mates fight sometimes it gets pretty ugly.

I left the house, leaving my parents and Yovanna a note that I would be out for a while and to not worry.
I left in pursuit of the person that I needed to talk too.

In pursuit of one particular ass of a mate.



I'm so sorry this is shorter than usual but writer's block has been hitting me hard lately.
The next update will be as soon as this shit leaves me and an idea pops up :/

By the way, this book is going to end pretty soon. This was never destined to be long, but a short story I started out of boredom.

I really don't enjoy dragging on my books. I'm more of a straight to the point person but I try not to make it boring :)

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