The Luna's Son

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Four Months Later

Things so far haven't been bad here in this weird town.
My mom and dad have jobs down at this town's pack house while I babysit Simon when they're not home.

I miss home, I miss Yovanna, my sister and my little nephew.
Yovanna and I have been calling everyday for the past four months.

Some part of me always believes she would cheat on me when I moved. Its not that I don't trust her, I'm just a cautious person.
I love Yovanna, I really do, and I want to believe she'd never do that to me, but when half your friends who tried long distance relationships always come back to say their partner cheated, kinda makes you skeptical about being in the situation yourself.

My phone began to ring and I saw it was my baby.
I smirked and got up from my chair I was sitting in in the backyard then looked over at my brother who was playing with his dinosaur toys and trucks.
Walking over to the other side of the yard I answered the phone.

"Hey Angel." I said with a smile, even though she couldn't see me.

"Papiii!" She screamed in the phone as I pulled it away from my ears.
Papi was a nickname she gave me. The reason behind that, I have no clue but it stuck on me after a while.

"Too loud baby. Too loud." I told her.

"Sorry.. I just miss you so much." I could hear the sadness in her voice and it made me cringe.

"I miss you too Angel. I'll come visit you as soon as I can alright?"

"But that won't be any time soon will it....?" Yovanna started sniffling. Indicating to me she was crying.

"I-I....I'm not sure Yovanna. You know you could always -" she cut me off, screaming.


I sighed.
"Yovanna it's just that I don't wanna-"

"No you aren't and you never will. I love you Synn. So much. You're the only reason I survived being rejected by my mate. You helped me through so much. My dad, my mom. So please...don't talk about that again okay? I miss you alot, but I wouldn't leave for that. We can make this work."

A big smile came on my face. She was right. I did help her through alot.
Yovanna's parents used to abuse her for being a late shifter. Usually you can shift by the time you reach 7, but Yovanna didn't shift till she was 17, I don't know why.
Her parents thought she was useless and for a while, were convinced she was human, which was stupid as hell considering they themselves are both werewolves.
When Yovanna finally told me about it(well, more like I noticed the bruises and begged her to tell me) I made her come live with me in an apartment I had close to my parent's home.

"I love you too baby. I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I won't bring it up again. You're right. We can make this work. Look, I gotta go alright? I'm gonna take Simon to get some candy."

"Make sure you give my baby a kiss for me! And you, make sure you Skype me later. I wanna see you." She said and I could literally imagine the pout she must be wearing on her face.

"Yes ma'am." I chuckled. "I've loved you...-"

"Ever since you were 17." She giggled "And I've loved you...-"

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