Chapter Two: Secrecy

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T followed Spinel into the dark forest. T accidentally stepped on a twig and quickly hid behind a bush while peeking up at her. Spinel looked around for a moment letting out a grunt before turning around and walking away. T let out a sigh of relief before standing up and following behind her. They both soon came to a beautiful area. It had a waterfall and flowers everywhere. The grass was beautiful and full unlike the grass that was in the forest. T was amazed at this sight but slightly confused about how Spinel found this and When she found it and also why she's keeping it a secret.

Spinel took off her boots and began to roll up her pants legs. Then walking into the water. T gasp and looked down at her boots, she pulled off her boots and rolled up her pants legs. She stood up and seen Spinel walking into the water then disappearing behind the waterfall.

T walked into the water then peeked inside. She couldn't see anything, all she could hear was the sound of Spinels wet feet echoing through the cave walls each time they hit the ground. T walking inside the cave and followed the wet foot prints Spinel left behind. They soon came to a complete stop. T began to looks around for more footprints but but couldn't find any.

Just then a dark figure jumped down in front of her. T jumped in fear at the dark figure. Spinel lit a flame revealing herself to the scared purple gem. "What are you doing in here?!" Spinel said with a glare angrily as her voice echoed through the cave. "I was just, I.."
"Where you following me?!" Spinel shouted glaring fiercly causing T to jump back alittle. "I...I..yes. I was only trying to see if you were ok." T said nervously backing up a bit.

" I'm Fine! I don't need you or anyone else following me around and invading my privacy. I don't know where you get off thinking its ok to sneak around and invade privacy but you need to leave , immediately!" Spinel said moving closer toward her making them have alittle space between their faces.

T nodded slowly putting her head down and walking toward the beginning of the cave. Spinel turned away from the little purple gem trying to avoid from telling the purple gem to not leave, she felt bad, she didnt mean to hurt the poor gems feelings but her nerves were very bad. She grunted lowly and began walking deeper into the cave. She soon approached a dark room.

She took the flame she had in her hand and swang her hands over each other causing the flame to spread to the candels that were set all around the room. She walked into the room, it still looked the same as the way she left it. She hasn't been here in 700 years. From what everyone else knows, she's never been to this planet. She's only came to this planet to meditate, but something doesn't seem right.

Everything looks the same but something suspicious is going on. Just then a loud monsterous scream came from behind her. Spinel turned around only to be faced with a giant green spiked monster with Razer sharp teeth. Spinel watched as the monsters green drool drop out its mouth and sizzle when it hit the ground.

Spinels face changed to discuss as she summoned her boxing gloves. She leaped into the air and punched the creature in it face. When spinel hit the ground again the creature slammed it spiked hand on Spinel. She put her hands up, holding up the corrupted gems hand. Her legs began to shake rapidly as her body started to go down. Spinel thought to herself, I will not be the second gem on this planet to get poofed! Her legs began to shake as she struggled alittle more, her feet began to crack the ground.

Spinel finally got enough strength to lift the giant creatures hand off her , making the creature fly back into a wall. Spinel leaped in front of the creature and punched it in the face making its head smash into the wall then poofing. Spinel bubbled the gem that landed on the floor and began her journey back to the campsite.

When she got there her teammates were fighting a giant Centipedelee. She quickly put the bubbled gem creature into the work space and summoning her boxing gloves. They soon defeated the bug and bubbled it.

Sapphire and T began putting in data as the two other gems sat down across from each other. "Where the fuck are these monsters coming from?!" Ruby said angrily. Sapphire put the last bit of her data in and sat down next to Ruby wrapping her arms around her neck loosely and instantly making her calm down. T sat next to Spinel. Spinel looked at her giving her a death glare. T looked at her then the ground and scooted over. "If there's corrupted gems on this planet doesn't that mean there were gems here too?" Sapphire said looking at Spinel.

Spinel looked at Sapphire and rolled her eyes. Ruby stood up "Yo what's your fuckin problem?" Spinel looked up at Ruby with a questioning look. "Excuse me?"
"I'm tired of your damn attitude Spinel. You've been acting like a asshole the entire time we have been here." Ruby said balling up her fist causing Spinel to stand up and glare at her. "Is that a challenge?!" Spinel said angrily. Ruby growled and summoned her boxing gloves. "Ruby ima give you a warning. If you hit me, ima beat your ass." Spinel said. Ruby stood there for a second. Then glared at Spinel. ".........fight me."

Spinel quickly summoned her boxing gloves as Ruby lunged at her. Ruby swung her fist which connected with Spinels forearm. The impact was so strong it shook the ground. Spinel quickly punched Ruby making her fly out the barrier and crash through 7 trees. Spinel leaped out of the barrier which caused it to break.
"Spinel NO!" T and Sapphire shouted as they watched the angry red gem jump out of the barrier. They followed after her, Spinel landed on the ground infont of Ruby.
T and Sapphire grabbed Spinel, pulled both her arms making the two of them fly back behind her. Ruby stood up and held her arm, she let out a small groan of pain before standing in a ready position. Ruby lunged at her, Spinel grabbed her fist and Slammed her repeated back and forth on the ground. The last time she made it her hardest making her crack the ground with a body imprint. Spinel picked Ruby up off the ground and cocked her hand back.

Ruby kicked her in the face making Spinel fly back. They ran toward each other and punched each other at the same time making them both unconscious while they it the ground. T and Sapphire grabbed them and took them back to the campsite. They waved and said goodnight to each other.

T walked into Spinels Tent and layed Spinel down on her bed. She got a wet wet wipe from the work area and began wiping the red gem off. She admired her relaxed body figure. She was just so beautiful when she was peaceful and not raging. It begun to get cold so she laid next to the red gem and covered their bodies with a thick blanket. She began to blush as she snuggled onto Spinel. Spinel grunted a bit as she put her arm around T. She let a a little squeak at the surprising touch of a muscular are was wrapped around her body. She blushed and gave alittle smile before falling into a deep sleep.

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