Pixie Chapter 12

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Bea stared blankly at the walls of her room. Everything had been packed and boxed except for the posters and pictures she had pasted over the years on her walls. The shelves were empty. She'd boxed and sent most to á children's center the day before while she kept those books that held the most memory. These were hers, her memories and life. It held her achievements and dreams. Faces of people who had made great impact on her life were all over it, smiling. Her own face beaming with happiness.

Happiness. How does one find it when in a situation as confusing as hers?

When her father and the Alpha had presented the implications of their proposal and the consequences if this deal won't be done, she didn't even question it. Of course she'd do anything for the Breeds who she considered the closest thing to family. They had saved her at her most darkest moments, she felt she owed them because of it. She accepted this but she hadn't realized that life would be so bleak.

It was, you know, bleak--without life. At least without the life she had lived.

To admit she knew everything about shifters would be a lie. There were a lot of blanks. She may be part of the Royal Force but she wasn't privy to every information in all their missions. She was merely one of the soldiers meant to put her life to save a Royal. Hell she was what they refered to as a desk jocky, faving computers and stocking papers because her father didn't want her in the field. She'd only managed to be part of a unit because they were one short. She'd been so proud of it though because she'd proven her worth during a short period of time with her 'brothers'. Even if her father never recognized her sacrifices and accomplishments, she had brothers who had her back. And now even that sense of pride is gone.

She felt stripped of all she'd managed to this point of her life. Now she was in line for the title of Luna of a wolf clan. Not the Junior Enforcer, not the Ricky Pierce's daughter, not the Pixie of Knight Pack. The Luna. Even now, her former unit addressed her Luna not the kid.

To be suddenly shoved in a situation such as this was almost too hard to believe. All around Karyaa mix breeding and arranged marriages have increased after the Karyaan Council encouraged Royals.

Experiments were done snd it showed that mix breeds had stronger powers and varrying ones, some even developed new ones as compared to those of pure bloods. Royals were pure bloods, their powers were the strongest but when Rogues had started bombarding Karyaa it was only a matter of time when the council had tied the hands of leaders. Mix breed had gifts no other breed can acquire even through years of training, their instincts were impossibly sharper and more accurate. Perfect for Karyaan protection especially if they were Royal born not to mention a great deal of house unions that even treaties can't surpass.

That's where Bea came in, since she was an ancestral breed, her powers were naturally powerful even without training. It would be phenomenal what their offspring would be like. Pixie's were the only ones who can reach spirits, and Karyaan spirits were viewed almost religiously because of their unlimited power that can be channeled by a pixie. As far as magic goes, Pixies were masters of it.

Many had coveted pixian powers and so over the years their numbers have dwindled as some were forced to be slaves, forced to cooperate with underground activities, many killed when they didn't.

Bea hadn't heard of any other Pixies in the nearby territories but then many of her kind have isolated themselves to survive the hunts. Pixian nature were believed to be calm and friendly, violence was not their way of life. They shied away from it.

It was common knowledge that the Knight Pack had pixian protection--namely her and his father--so a great deal of clans wanted to be allies. When the Council's words had reached them, both the Alpha and her father hadn't waited a day before informing her of the arrangement.

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