Chapter 8: Sick Day Lullabye

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Hot. That was the first thing you thought that morning. Everything was hot.

"Ugh..." You groaned groggily, pushing the sheet off.

You were still hot.

You groaned louder, squirming around uncomfortably. Your throat and head hurt simultaneously, a loud guttural cough erupted from your mouth.

"(Y/N), are you okay?" A cool hand caressed your arm, then placed itself on your forehead.

"Oh god, you're burning up!" The owner of the hand gasped worriedly.

You opened your eyes to Patrick's concerned face staring down at you.

Being a bit out of it, you replied, "No, no... Please can you just turn down the heat, Pattycakes?"

"Oh, how high is your fever?" Worry tinged in his voice.

He pulled you out of bed and carried you to the living area. You nuzzled your face into his chest, wrapping your arms around his neck. He gently set you down on the love seat; you reluctantly let go of his neck.

Patrick's POV

I went over and stuck the thermometer I got out of the cabinet into her mouth. I rubbed my hands together nervously, what if she was seriously sick?

Around a minute later, it started beeping. I cautiously took it and looked at the number on it.

"102 degrees?!" I squawked.

"Yo, dude, what's with all the noise?" Pete walked out along with Andy and Joe.

The look on my face must've been as worried as I felt because Pete immediately asked, "Woah, what's wrong?"

"(Y-Y/N)'s sick..."

Andy walked over and put a hand on her forehead, "What happened?"

"She uh... She was coughing and she was really out of it and she's burning up and now-"

"It's just a fever, she'll be fine in a couple days," He cut me off.

I let out a sigh of relief, that's when I heard a groaning sound come from the couch.

"Ugh, what's going on?" (Y/N) slurred.

"You've got a fever, apparently you're going to be down for the count for the next couple days," Joe told her.

She suddenly jumped up into a sitting position, "Aagh! Stay away from me!"

She shielded her hands in front of her face, "What? Why?"

"You guys have a show tonight, you can't afford getting sick right now."

I didn't like that idea, I really wanted to take care of her. To make sure she was okay, I just wanted to be there for her.

I began to appose, "But-"

"No. No buts. We're on the road for a few days after tonight's show. I'll be fine for today."

"I..." She gave me a glare, she wasn't going to take no for an answer on this one.

I sighed, accepting defeat, "Can I, at least, help you back to bed?"

She nodded her head meekly. I helped her up and put an arm around her waist, supporting her. She slung her arm over my shoulders and I held onto it.

After I came back out I probably still looked worried, so Pete said, "Cheer up, lunchbox. She'll be fine, she's (Y/N)."

"I-I guess so..."


"Thank you and goodnight!" Pete yelled out to our cheering crowd.

I quickly hopped off the stage and handed my guitar to one of the crew members.

"Patrick!" One of the guys yelled after me.

I kept running, I needed to get back to her. I was very uneasy throughout the show and even more anxious to get back to the bus.

I ran to where the bus was parked and quickly scurried inside. She wasn't anywhere in the front section.

"(Y/N)?" My voice got shaky as I walked through the curtain.

I saw her curled up in the middle of our bunk, shivering.

"Oh, come here..." I sat down in the bunk and pulled her onto my lap.

She was still asleep. Even so, she locked her arms around me and nestled her head in the crook of my neck. She tried to cuddle up to me as close as possible to absorb some of my body heat. I wrapped my arms around her body and placed a kiss on her head.

An idea popped into my head and I started to softly sing, "Honey is for bees, silly bear..."

I began humming the rest of the tune. It was so content just sitting like this with her. No words spoken, just holding each-other.

As I closed my eyes, I heard three sets of feet stomp onto the bus. They filed back to where I was sitting and I opened back up my eyes.

Joe, Andy, and Pete crouched in front of me.

"Wow, I didn't know you were so worried about her, 'Trick..." Pete breathed out.

"Well, I just don't know what I'd do if anything happened to her. I-"

"You really do love her, don't you?"

"Yes," I took a deep breath. "And I think it's finally time I tell her that..."

(A/N: Sorry this chapter was so short. And for the cliffhanger. [Okay maybe I'm not too sorry about that...] Hope you liked this chapter, I'll try to post the next one soon. Thanks!)

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