My New Friend

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The next morning I woke up earlier and made my mother and I breakfast. My mom walked down the stairs looking at me with a smile on her face. She whispered, "my little baby has fallen in love." Annoyed and kind of embarrassed I said "am not mom hes just a FRIEND! He doesn't like me like that" but I couldn't get him out of my head, his dazzling ocean blue eyes, his perfectly straight teeth that show when he gives a big smile. I begin to smile bigger than I was just thinking about his smile.

Weeks went by and Justin and I hung out every day after school. Some times I decided where to go, sometimes he would, but we would do anything to keep ourselves from going home and even thinking about cutting ourselves. Before we even noticed a whole year went by. Thats 365 days, 8760 hours that neither of us had cut ourselves. He called me said he wanted to take pick me up at 7 and take me out to dinner one night to celebrate our accomplishment. At first I didn't think that it would have been anything serious, just another day were going to hang out until he told me where he wanted to take me. The fanciest restaurant I had ever been too. After hanging up the phone I ran down the stairs and told my mom. She helped me pick out a nice dress to wear.

Around 6 I began to get dressed. I finished putting on my make up and I was ready to put on the dress. For once I was going to wear a dress and not be scared of showing my arm. Most my scars had disappeared and for those that had still shown I covered them up with my cardigan. I looked in the mirror and couldn't help but think how much has changed in just a week. The doorbell rang, and I immediately got butterflies that made me sick to my stomach. I carefully walked down the stairs trying so hard not to trip in my mothers heals. I looked up at him. He looked amazing and all of a sudden I was shy around him. He was wearing a black suit with a nice tie and shinny shoes. My mom was so suspicious about why we had gotten so dressed up because she didn't know the occasion we were celebrating for, but soon I started to realize that it was more that just that but I didn't know what it could have been.

We walked in the restaurant and I couldn't help but to be so amused. I wondered how he was planning on paying for the food because everything seemed so expensive. We were sat down at our table and were given a menu. He decided on something that seemed like it would have tasted really good so I decided on what he had as well. Waiting for our food felt like forever and he hadn't really seemed like he was interested in anything I was saying. He would nod and give a slight laugh every once in a while but he hadn't talked for a while and I felt like my voice was starting to annoy him. I asked him what was wrong and he didn't look up and all of a sudden the words came out "why did you ever start cutting yourself?" I didn't know what to answer. I trusted him with every part of me but for some reason the words wouldn't come out. "Well, uhhm, its a long story" "we have the whole night ahead of us he answered", so I began..

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