The Truth is Revealed

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The next morning I wake up shocked. I realize I am in my pyjamas. I don't remember changing last time and I panic. What if my mom came upstairs and changed me? What if she saw my arms? She must have. I jump out of bed, my heart racing and walk into my bathroom. I splash cold water into my face.

"Wake up, wake up Danielle this is a dream. She didn't see. She couldn't have. You changed remember? YOU CHANGED!"

I splash more water until my cheeks feel numb. I don't feel like going to school. I feel sick to stomach. She didn't see, she couldn't have. Everything is alright, I am okay. Taking a deep breath I turn towards my closet. I take out a dark red sweater and light jeans. Still freaked out I skip breakfast and run to school.

I usually don't skip class, but today I just didn't feel like it. I couldn't get Justin's eyes, and perfect smile out of my mind. I sat down under the oak tree, furthest away from the school. Leaning my head against it, I closed my eyes enjoying the heat of the sun.

"Enjoying the sun?" I jump. I turn to my left to see no one other than Justin. He gives me his signature smile moving closer to me. Oh god!

"What are you doing here?" I realize my voice sounds high pitched.

"Doing the same thing you are doing avoiding everyone." I give him a weird look. Him needing to avoid people? Doesn't he need their attention?

"By avoiding I mean avoiding them. Danielle I might have come of to you as the popular guy, that can be friends with anyone and get any girl, but you got me totally wrong. I'm the opposite, I just learned to hide it.

"Why me?" I ask way to quiet. I don't think he even heard me.

"Because I know." I panic. He knows what? What? What?

"What?" He rolls up the sleeve of his dark green sweatshirt revealing faded scars. There are so many, some horizontal, some vertical, some crossing. His highest scar spells out "HELP". I am shocked, lost for words. I shake my head and close my eyes.

"No no no, Danielle you're dreaming. Wake up. No this is not true."

"Danielle stop it." It is Justin, standing in front of me holding me on my shoulders. Tears start streaming down my face.

"When I met you, I knew you were like me. I knew it. You know sometimes you just see people and you go hey he or she is so much like me. When I saw you I instantly-"

"STOP. Stop it, I don't want to hear it."

"Listen to me Danielle." He is so close to me now, his eyes are much lighter then the first time I saw him. They are the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen. His grip tightens, hurting my shoulders slightly.

"If you don't stop soon enough, you can say goodbye life." Shocked at his words, I slam his arms away, get up and leave.

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