MY DRAWINGS---Wild Flower

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^^My drawing called Wild Flower


This drawing is titled Wild Flower. By me!

Type: Nature|Zentangle

1. Start of like you would any drawing, sketch it! I recommend a 2H pencil for this step. Create the stems by gradually moving smaller and smaller as you get to the tips.
*always start at base of flower.

2. Then draw the petals anyway you want. Small or really big?

3. Now its time to choose your colors. I chose reds, oranges, and greens, so it it get the name: Wild. I choose an emerald green so that it would really pop on the picture.

4. Now it's time for the designing part. This is my favorite step out of all. I drew stems and leafs all along the sides of one of the stems. Next to it I colored in rectangles. The rest is up to you.

Let your creativity run wild!

Feel free to contact me on instagram @erin.forstner

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