Chapter Six:

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Hello! Just want to let you all know that Phoenix is winning so far and I will choose the name by the end of Wednesday so you have until then to vote! Here's chapter six!


I ran all night. My paws are sore but I don't care, I'm free. I stand in the middle of the forest, surrounded by trees and the scent of pine. Birds start to sing with the rise of the sun, I lived to see its beautiful lights.
I wonder where I am, how far did those men took me from my home? I need to find my way home, I need to get my life back on track. I start to run west, making sure not to break any twigs on the ground, I don't want anyone to find me.


I've been running for hours now. I don't care where I'm going, as long as it's away from those men. I'm starting to get hungry, my stomach begins to growl.
Shadow tells my how to shift back into my human form by thinking of myself as human. It doesn't work right away, but soon I'm a fully dressed teenage girl again.
I lean up against a nearby tree, exhausted from running. All the energy Shadow gave me is now gone, I'm weak again. I need to find something to eat, fast. I start looking around the woods for food when I see something that looks like little houses. I slowly approach them and remembered that these are called tents.
I begin to snoop around and I finally find some food. Grabbing a water bottle, an apple, and a granola bar I get out of there before people came back. I wish I could take more but one, I just stole there food. Two, if I took any more they might have realized it.
I walk quite a ways before stopping by a nearby stream to eat my first decent meal in many years. Bitting into the apple first, it's sweet taste floods into my mouth. Finishing off the apple quickly, I begin to eat the rest of my small meal. Before I know it I start to drift asleep, my last thought, that of my family.....


Sorry it's short and I couldn't update sooner! I had a really busy week and couldn't update. I apologize and the next chapter will be up soon!



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